2008-01-02, 13:56
The reasons why Spybot - Search & Destroy detects this software are several ones:
There are anti-spyware tools like 1stAntivirus, 100PercentAntiSpyware, AdArmor, Ad-Protect, Ad-PurgeSpywarerAndAdwareRemoverPro, AdsAlert, ADS-Remover, AdwareAlert, AdwareBazooka, AdwareDeluxe, Adware-Patrol, AdWare Pro, AdwarePunisher, Adware Remover, Adware Remover2007, AdwareSheriff, AdwareSpy, AdwareStriker, AdwareX Eliminator, AgentSpyware, AlfaCleaner, AntiSpyStorm, AntispywareBot, Antispywaresoldier, AntiSpyWare2007, AntiSpyZone, AntiVerMinsPro, AntiVirGear, Antivirus Gold, AntiVirusPro, Awola.Anti-Spyware, BPSAdwareCops, BPS AdwareStriker, BPS.SpyEliminator, BPS Spyware Cops, BPS Spyware Remover, BPS SpywareStriker, BPS.SpywareZapper, BreakSpyware, CleanSpaceUltimate, Contra-Spy, Contra-Virus, CyberDefender, DiaRemover, Doctor-Adware, Doctor-Adware-Pro,DoctorSpyware, DrAntispy, DriveCleaner2006, Easy-Spyware-Killer, ErrorClean, ErrorDoctor, ErrorGuard, ErrorKiller, ErrorSafe, ETD-Security-Scanner, EyeSpyNow, ExpertAntivirus, FixerAntispy, FlashDollars.AntiVirusProtection, FlashDollars.RegistryRepair, FlashDollars.SpywareRemover, Fraud.XPAntivirus, FroggieScan, Goodbye-Spy, IEDefender, KazaapAdwareAndSpywareRemover, KillSpy, LocusSoftware.BestsellerAntivirus, LocusSoftware.PCPrivacyTool, LocusSoftware.SecurePCCleaner, MacroVirus, MagicAntiSpy, MalwareAlarm, MalwareBot, MalwareBurn, MalwareScanner, MalwareWipe, Maxion.MaxnetShield, MrAntispy, MySpyProtector, Neospace-Internet-Security, NoAdware, Nous-Tech.UCleaner, Nous-Tech.UDefender, Nous-Tech.UFixer, Nous-Tech.Ultimate-Fake-Security-Center, One-Shot-Antivirus, OnlineGuard, Pal-Spyware-Remover, PC-Health-Plan, PerformanceOptimizer, Pestbot, PestCapture, PSGuard, PurityScan, RazeSpyware, Registry Cleaner, RegistryFix, RegSweep, Repair Registry Pro, SecureMyPC, ScanSpyware, Spionfrei, SpyAgent, SpyAnalyst, SpyAnyWhere, SpyAxe, SpyBlocs, SpyBouncer, SpyCleaner, Spycontra, SpyCrush, SpyDawn, Spydeface, SpyDefence, SpyDefender, SpyDestroy-Pro, SpyFalcon, SpyGuard, SpyHeal, SpyHunter, SpyKiller, SpyLax, SpyLocked, SpyMarshall, SpyOfficer, SpyOnThis, SpyQuake, SpyRemover, SpySherrif, SpyShredder, SpySoap, SpySpotter, SpyStriker, SpyTrooper, SpyVampire, SpyViper, SpywareAnnihilatorPro, SpywareBomber, SpywareBot, SpywareCleaner, SpywareDetector, SpywareLocker, SpywareNO!, SpyWareRemover, SpyWare-Secure, SpywareSheriff.FakeAlert, SpywareSoftStop, SpywareSolver, SpywareStormer, SpywareStrike, SpywareQuake, StartGuard, SynergeticSoft.PrivacyDefender, SysProtect, SysRegistryCleaner, SystemDoctor2006, Trek Blue Error Nuker, Trojan-Guarder, TrueSword, TrustCleaner, UltimateCleaner, UltraSoft.Xlib, UtileProtection, VarioAntivirus, Vario.RogueAntiSpy, Virusblast, VirusBurst, VirusLocker, VirusProtect, VirusProtectPro, VirusRanger, VirusRescue, VirusSchlacht, WareOut, WinAntivirusPro2006, WinFixer, WinHound, WinSoftware, WinSoftware.WinAntiSpyware2006, WinSoftware.WinAntiVirusPro2006, WinSoftware.WinAntiVirus2006, WiperWizard, WorldAntispy, X-Con-Spyware-Destroyer, X-Spyware, XSRemover, YourSoft-AntiVS and YourSoft-AntiVT which have a very dubious or bad character.
They state to be an anti-spyware tool but employ questionable advertising methods: In the form of a PopUp they offer a scan of your system. They refer you to an infection of viruses and spyware on your system which is actually not true, because the listed items are not really on your pc. After downloading the software you can only scan for the threats. If the threats (pseudo-infections) are detected you have to register first and pay (up to $30) in order to remove them. Some of these dubious anti-spyware tools do also create a toolbar in IE and create recurring PopUps.
More dubious anti-spyware tools you will find here:
Best regards
Team Spybot
Yes, I can also read the explanation Spybot gives me, but surely one's own instinct, common sense and first hand experience with the program are more important than a piece of text on my screen.
And again, where did you copy and paste the above text from?
Even if it belongs to some shady company, which may or may not have other programs that are a bit on the dubious side, is that reason enough to label this specific program as malware?
Malware, malicious software. So, what are the malicious things that this program does to my computer? Can you explain that? Because there's nothing weird going on on my PC.
Don't think I'm advertising this program, but first the Spybot alerts and then this thread and particularly your response strike me as odd. Copy and paste, then a link with no information about this particular program. Having a user remove software that may very well be harmless. Then some more text copied from somewhere.
What ever happened to the old brain? ;)
Not sure if you have a testing environment, but why not install a copy and see for yourself what it does or does not do.