View Full Version : How to perform a silent Install without the file download screen?

2008-01-04, 01:45

I'm attempting to integrate Spybot into my windows install install CD that I create with nlite.

I'm using the latest beta (spybotsd15he-beta2.exe) with the following switches: /silent /components="main" /sp- /supressmsgboxes /norestart

I previously used /verysilent but after windows was installed Spybot wasn't present. So I've changed to /silent to at least see if it gets installed. The spybot installer is excuting during windows setup but its displaying the filedownload screen, which causes the unattended install to halt (as there is no internet access so the spybot installer encounters an error).

Is the beta setup installer not able to install silently and without the download screen from poping up?

It is odd as if I run the same switches on my PC, spybot installs fine just doesn't work if you try and do it during the setup of windows (refer to the attached screenshots on what I'm referring to).

Any and all help greatly appreciated.

2008-01-04, 09:47

With this parameter you can install Spybot without loading updates:

"c:\xyz\spybotsd15.exe" /verysilent /components="main,blind,language,skins,SDWinSec,SDShredder,SDDelFile"
Then you do not get an error message, as no internet connection is available.
After install you can download the updates with:

c:\programme\spybot - search & destroy\sdupdate.exe /taskbarhide /autoupdate

Best regards
Team Spybot

2008-01-04, 23:37
Thanks Sandra, I'll give it a shot.