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View Full Version : Imunization items in vs 1.5.2

2008-02-01, 11:57
Hi all

Have been using spybot for sometime but this is my first post.

Have just upgraded from version to 1.5.2 and am surprised by the drop in number of imunization items.

With all updates applied v1.5.1.15 showed 57,726 items whilst v1.5.2 shows 49,600.

This is reflected in the number of messages SDHelper throws up. On websites such as Amazon and Ebay SDHelper used to block ad.uk.doubleclick.net and view.atdmt.com but no messages now.

I was wondering if things have been restructured in the new version so not as many items are needed because the Explorer privacy report still shows cookies from these websites as blocked.

Just Curious if anyone has the answer.

2008-02-01, 12:09
Skip system accounts during IE immunization (http://forums.spybot.info/project.php?issueid=132)

So, indeed, you could describe it as optimized in terms of no longer that many entries needed :)