View Full Version : how to uninstall and redownload (due to error)

2006-02-11, 18:43
An error occured in my Spybot - when it displays a window, the "block" and "accept" buttons are void and they don't function - so each time I can only close the window. I want to uninstall and redownload the Spybot, but when I try to uninstall, Spybot's window opens again and warns me about the registry change, as I can't hit the "accept" button, I can't uninstall it. After several attempts, I'm now left with a shameful mess of Spybot in my system - the icon is no longer on the desktop or startup menu, but most of the Spybot folders are still in the system. How can I totally uninstall Spybot (to download it again afterwards) in this situation? Thank you very much.

md usa spybot fan
2006-02-11, 19:47
Uninstalling, downloading and re-installing will not help.

There is currently a bug in TeaTimer 1.4. Portions of TeaTimer's popup dialog overlay the "Allow change" and "Deny change" buttons. On my system the very top edges of the "Allow change" and "Deny change" buttons are showing and I am still able to select the options. I also can check "Remember this decision" since it is visible. If no portion of the "Allow change" and "Deny change" buttons are showing, you can answer TeaTimer's popup dialog (English language version) by pressing "A" on your keyboard for "Allow change" or "D" for "Deny change". If you close the dialog without answering "Allow change" or "Deny change" the registry change is denied. Note that if you close the popup dialog without answering it the registry change will be denied.

If you can't deal with the problem that way until it is fixed, you can:
Apply one of the workarounds found in the following pinned (Sticky) thread that fixes the pop-up dialog so the buttons are visible:
Solution to fix the pop-ups in TeaTimer
Disable TeaTimer as follows:
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Resident.
Uncheck the following:Resident "TeaTimer" (Protection of over-all system settings) Active.

2006-02-12, 00:27
Thank you very much for the advice.
One more small problem occurs with Spybot: I can't minimize the Secure Shredder's window (when I hit the minimize icon nothing happens), this renders dragging folders into the Shredder difficult. May this be also due to the bug in the Tea Timer? But I've tried again after having disabled the Tea Timer, the minimizing of the Secure Shredder's window still doesn't work.

md usa spybot fan
2006-02-12, 21:31
I really don't think that you want to minimize the window. I think that what you would like to do is to resize the window so that you can work it as well as a Windows Explorer window for example. Actually I believe that you may find it easier if you leave the Spybot window at full screen (maximized) and reduce the size of the Windows Explorer window so that you can drag objects from Windows Explorer into Spybot. In any case, to resize a window, place the cursor on the button between the Minimize and Close buttons in the upper right hand corner of the window. If says Restore Down click on it, if it says Maximize leave it alone. You should then be able to grab an edge or corner of the window to resize: Complete instructions follow.

To resize an open window:
Place the cursor on the button between the Minimize and Close buttons in the upper right hand corner of the window. If says Restore Down click on it, if it says Maximize leave it alone. Note: You cannot resize a window when it is displayed in a full screen (maximized).
To change the width, point to the left or right window border. When the pointer changes into a horizontal double-headed arrow, drag the border to the right or left.
To change the height, point to the top or bottom window border. When the pointer changes into a vertical double-headed arrow, drag the border up or down.
To change the height and width at the same time, point to any window corner. When the pointer changes into a diagonal double-headed arrow, drag the border in any direction.
To reposition a window on the screen:
Left click and hold in the title bar (usually blue) at the top of the window and drag the window to a new location.

2006-02-13, 23:40
Of course I had meant resize (restore down) - awfully sorry for having used a wrong word (minimize). I'm a foreigner and mistakes like this happen sometimes.
I needed to restore down the Secure Shredder's window becauce I wanted to drag a file from my desktop.
It's exactly this button (resize) which doesn't function. And I've later on noticed that not only the Secure Shredder's, but none of the Spybot's Tools windows can be restored down with the resize button. Has anybody else than me reported a similar problem while using Spybot? In case I'm the only one who experiences it, would that maybe mean that there's something wrong with my computer? (an infection or something?)The problem happens only with Spybot's windows, IE's or wordpad's windows work properly.

Hitting the A and D buttons for accept and don't accept to solve the tea timer window problem worked perfectly well, I don't know how to thank you for this simple but extremely effective solution.

I also wonder if something which happened after I made some startup changes through Spybot is normal: now, each time I turn my computer on, my desktop displays for some time all of the Spybot's small "registery change allowed" notices (which had appeared one by one in the first place each time I had approved a registery change while removing startup entries - but now appear all together on the desktop for some time then disappear, each time I turn my computer on).

I'm a Spybot lover and the reason why I ask so many questions is, I'm trying to understand whether all these things can be considered normal or should an infection in my system be suspected. But I think I'm now finished with all of my questions. There's nothing else left!

Thank you very much for the extraordinary help offered each time I came to this forum and best wishes.

md usa spybot fan
2006-02-14, 06:22
If you close the Spybot widow while it is "maximized" the size of the "Restore Down" widow becomes the same size as the "maximized" widow when you reopen it. Even if Spybot's window is full screen size while in "Restore Down" mode you should be able to move the window, grab the edges or corners and resize the window.

If you are still unable to resize the window, save the following code using Notepad in a .reg file (this code will set Spybot's window to restore down mode and reduce the size of the window):


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PepiMK Software\SpybotSnD\Window]
Then without Spybot running, execute that .reg file by double clicking on it and answering "Yes" and "OK" to the messages.