View Full Version : Need Help - New to Spybot & Getting Error

2008-02-07, 03:48
OK, I'm using Windows 98 and until recently was using Ad-Aware SE but it is no longer updated and the Ad-Aware 2007 is not compatible. Therefore, was referred to Spybot. Downloaded the 1.5.2 from the website but every time I try to run the program I get an dialog box that states "Illegal Operation" (the details of the error is as follows: SPYBOTSD caused a general protection fault
in module <unknown> at 0000:00000019.) and the computer shuts down.

I have uninstalled the Ad-Aware SE; is there anything else that Spybot may be in conflict with. I have looked through the posts and the website and read the compatability requirements and don't see anything that I am doing wrong. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

2008-02-07, 13:14

Did you save the file to disk or did you tried to run it?
Please don't choose to open/run the file as a download option because you cannot install it through the Internet. It needs to be installed.
Further please do not save it as a temp file - put it in a permanent folder.

Please try this direct download link (http://www.spybotupdates.com/files/spybotsd152.exe).

Best regards
Team Spybot

2008-03-02, 01:16
Unlike Kristi, I'm a long time user of SpyBotSD. I have version 1.5.2 on three different machines. No problems with the two hosts running Windows XP SP2. Unfortunately, 1.5.2 stopped working on my wife's old Dell running Windows 98SE. The program crashes with a general protection fault when started manually.

I've tried a clean install, after uninstalling and deleting all traces of 1.4 and 1.5. Exact same problem. Also tried uninstalling SpywareBlaster and switching to SpywareBlaster v4.0 (which no longer hangs while checking the protection status of Firefox protected items). I can use the menu with the TeaTimer resident app. to check and download updates. Trying to start the main SpybotSD app. from either the Start menu or the TeaTimer pop-up menu causes the same fault:

SPYBOTSD caused a general protection fault
in module <unknown> at 0000:00000007.
EAX=00000071 CS=0187 EIP=00000007 EFLGS=00210206
EBX=00000001 SS=018f ESP=65000172 EBP=00b2fa74
ECX=00000000 DS=018f ESI=00000000 FS=6157
EDX=00000000 ES=018f EDI=00b2fc00 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
00 16 00 6d 09 65 04 70 00 65 04 70 00 54 ff 00
Stack dump:


She's also running AVG 7.5 as the anti-virus application, a couple of other TSR apps. and a dozen or so things in the quick launch bar. Haven't seen any change in the error address after turning off other TSR apps. or leaving TeaTimer out of the SpybotSD install.

Should I wait for version 1.5.3? Roll back to 1.4?

Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.

2008-03-02, 04:31
Looks like problem I added to this thread is closely related to what's described in the thread "Version 1.5.2 fails to load". Several people reported having trouble with 1.5.2 crashing before the gui comes up (on Windows 98).

I tried over-riding Windows management of virtual memory, as suggested by Yodama. (System has 384 MB of physical RAM. Set the Minimum VM to 1024 MB.) There was no effect. The details of the error message and register contents were identical to what I posted earlier in this thread.

One difference from Kristi's symptoms: It doesn't usually crash the OS when I try to run 1.5.2, just the main program for SpybotS&D.

2008-03-09, 00:36
Kristi, while the official line from Lavasoft is "no more updates for AdAware SE" there are still updates available, they just aren't automatic anymore. If you want you can reinstall it then surf to http://www.lavasoft.com/support/securitycenter/blog/ , look in the upper right corner for the split green oval - the right half is a link to the SE defs.zip file. Download it somewhere you can find it, then manually unzip (it contains only one file named defs.ref). Place the unzipped file into your AdAware install directory (usually somewhere under Program Files, make sure the app is closed first) to replace the existing one.

On some of my machines after some of the new defs.ref files done manually I was even able to get one to work with the automatic update feature just a few days ago! Though most times it doesn't anymore, seems a few times it does.

Sorry I can't be so helpful with your Spybot problem though. I do still run both AdAware SE (mostly manual updates now) and Spybot 1.5.2 including TeaTimer with AVGFree 7.5, SpywareBlaster 3.5.1, different machines have Win98SE (yes knoxrg, one of these is an old Dell), W2kSP4, XPSP2 all seem happy together so there must be some solution somewhere.