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Dan Martinez
2008-02-08, 03:53
I have issues... I have somehow gotten the Zlob and smithfraud bug. I was getting my home page redirected and constant "you are infected" warnings. I downladed spybot and it detected the Zlob and Smithfraud virus. When I tried to clean with spybot about half way through, the system shut down. I rebooted and re ran spybot and got the same results when I tried to clean and fix. I did a restore... At this point I lost my internet access on this PC. I downloaded Kapersky to another PC and tried to copy it to a thumb drive to run a scan for you but was unable to install. Any options left for me???? If this allsecuritypage.com forces you to by their product to fix a problem that they caused...Isn't that Extortion? Is it legal? What do I need to try next? Thanks DM