View Full Version : (windows) explorer window on startup

brown indian
2008-02-09, 13:31
Since upgrading to v1.3 and now v1.5, an explorer window opens up at the Spybot folder on Windows startup.

How do I stop it? Presumably it's a registry key ...?

Thanks very kindly

md usa spybot fan
2008-02-09, 17:12
I have heard of this happening if the default installation folder was renamed after installation. Is Spybot installed in the following directory?
C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy

brown indian
2008-02-10, 16:27
Thanks for your response.

I have a 'Spybot' folder which is holding v1.3 (which is the version when the problem started) and a 'Spybot - Search & Destroy' which is holding v1.5.

I'll try deleting the Spybot folder. If that doesn't work, do you recommend a full uninstall/reinstall?
