View Full Version : Tea Timer Help

2008-02-20, 04:50
How do I temporialy shut down Tea Timer and then enable it again? I have been advised to try this by AVG forum help. I am having a problem with a PINNACLE instant CD/DVD program. they also told me to try shuting down ZA, AVG, also and then installing PINNACLE then enabling everything I shut down.
I guess you can tell I am NEW to all this.:sad:

Also how do I find this post again, I allways have trouble doing that on Forums:red:

md usa spybot fan
2008-02-20, 06:15
To shut down TeaTimer: Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Resident. Under the heading "Resident protection status" uncheck the following: Resident "TeaTimer" (Protection of over-all system settings) active.
To reactivate it: Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Resident. Under the heading "Resident protection status" check the following: Resident "TeaTimer" (Protection of over-all system settings) active.

2008-02-21, 18:04
Thank you for helping me! :)

I hate to sound so dumb, but I had a hard time finding my post. I just keep clicking on different things until I found it.

Is there an easy way to get to my posts?

md usa spybot fan
2008-02-21, 18:31
Is there an easy way to get to my posts?
In the menu bar near the top of a forum page, click Search. Under Search Forums click Advanced Search. Under User Name type rburrhead and then click the Search Now button near the bottom of the page.