View Full Version : help after removal of virtumondo

2008-02-20, 20:20
It has been a couple of months since the removal of the virus w/ the assistance of STEAM and been having some problems viewing some web sites for example: my wife's work email won't display and the arrows on google maps won't display, just to name a few... I think this may have been a secondary effect of some removal of infected files. Can some help w/ what I need to do to resolve this? I attempted to reinstall the java update and don't know what else to do. Thanks for your assistance

2008-02-23, 18:20
HI ramorn45

Sounds like you don't have "active scripting" enabled

Click "Tools" on the menu at the top of IE ..

Then Internet options > click the security tab ...

make sure internet is highlighted, then click Custom Level

Scroll down almost to the bottom, under scripting there are 3 headings :-

Active scripting
Allow paste operations via script
Scripting if java applets

put a checkmark next to enable in all 3 of them (was Active scripting set to disable ?)

Click OK > then yes to the prompt.

Now go find a Google map and see if it displays OK ?

Don't go to Google maps until after you have done the above, or you may have to exit all IE pages or even reboot for

the changes to take effect ... refreshing the page isn't enough.
