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framedyn.dll not found, loads anyway


New member
I get an alert that framedyn.dll is not found, but the program loads and updates anyway.

I suspect that it was last night's windows update that has done this.

I've located the file, it's in C:\windows\system32\wbem\
p.s.-about link number 2-
in cmd,rather than-
dir %systemroot%system32wbemframedyn.dll
try:dir %systemroot%\system32\wbem\framedyn.dll instead.
add slashes.
copy %systemroot%\system32\dllcache\framedyn.dll %systemroot%\system32\wbem\framedyn.dll /y

Sorry :o
I have never seen a case where the framedyn.dll file was missing from the Wbem folder, though obviously this would be a problem, the issue has always been due to something wrong with the path.

In a few cases the path has an obvious issue like the Wbem folder missing or bad syntax created when an old program added itself to the path, but even this is rare. The most common cause, is a path variable damaged apparently invisibly by the modification of the data type from REG_EXPAND_SZ to REG_SZ, again by an old Windows 9x program. This means the Path looks entirely correct visually, but is really 'broken' behind the scenes, since the REG_SZ value is ignored by Windows 2000/XP.

To prove this is the case, simply open a Command Prompt and type 'Ping' followed by Enter. You will receive a "'ping' is not recognized" error message since it can't be found in the system32 folder, which should be in the Path.

Fortunately, this problem is really easy to fix, just slightly modify the instructions from the Microsoft Knowledge Base article.

Verify System Variables
  1. Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu that appears. If you receive the following error message, click OK:
    rundll32.exe - Unable To Locate Component

    This application has failed to start because framedyn.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
  2. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
  3. Click Environment Variables.
  4. Under System variables, click Path, and then click Edit.

    NOTE: If no Path variable is listed, click New. In the Variable name box, type Path.​
  5. In the Variable value box, type the following:
    Note: If the Path already appears correct, simply change or add one letter, finish these instructions, then repeat them to change the letter back. This will overwrite the incorrect REG_SZ type with the proper REG_EXPAND_SZ.​
  6. Click OK three times (each time that you have the option).
separate the paths!

PlNGY if you are using java to program set the path to this:

Variable name: Path
Variable value: %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem

This is the variable value given by Bitman and it works for me perfectly. I can execute Java and Command Prompt commands and the Spybot problem is gone! :)

Cheers Bitman )
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framedyn.dll error


After trying all of the suggested fixes described here and on the Microsuck support page, this is what worked for me...

Right click on My Computer
Click Advanced Tab
Click Environment Variables button
Click Path in bottom display
Click Edit
at the end of the path line, add a semicolon if there isn't one.
place this after the semicolon:


Click OK until back to desktop. should be fixed.
"framedyn.dll not found" easy cure

I tried messing with registry, but it didn't work...:oops:...so I searched for framedyn.dll and found it (in the system 32 folder) copied it and pasted it into the Program files Spybot folder. Works here on XP SPII.:yes: Hope it works for you. Take care, be good, KE8PA :rockon: