View Full Version : Are Recover & Undo Immunizations necessary before uninstall?

2008-02-25, 09:38

In the my last Spybot update, the spybotsd152.exe was downloaded. I want to uninstall the old version and install the new one on the other drive. When I start uninstall, a message tells about recover changes and undo immunizations. Have I to do these works?

Best Regards

2008-02-25, 18:07
Do you mean this pop-up message?

http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/1613/34322643dp7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

If so, read the message again. It doesn't tell you to "recover changes and undo immunizations" before uninstalling.
It tells you to use the Recovery Section to undo changes instead of uninstalling Spybot S&D.

If you just want to remove Spybot S&D, just click on "Yes".

2008-02-26, 11:30
Thank you for your help. I removed Spybot S&D. Now, I have another problem in install the new version. After final step and click “Install”, “File Download” starts for downloading additional files to my computer. But after a few minutes an error message tells:

Error opening http://www.safer-networking.org/updallocator.php.
The server returned status code 504.

I retry but error repeats like before.

Thank you again.

2008-02-27, 03:00
Try unchecking 'Download updates immediately' when installing Spybot,then downloading the updates later.
For further info,please see here: