View Full Version : Spybot fails to load

2006-02-17, 21:12
SpyBot has been one of my major anti-spyware resources for a number of years, now. All of a sudden it fails to load... I think after the most recent updates of Microsoft's security updates. Sending the info to Microsoft, I get the following response. Anyone else have this problem?


Error caused by Spybot - Search & Destroy: no specific solution available

Thank you for submitting an error report.

Problem description

An analyst at Microsoft has investigated this problem and determined that an unknown error occurred in Spybot - Search & Destroy. This software was created by PepiMK Software.


Microsoft has researched this problem with PepiMK Software, and they do not currently have a solution for the problem that you reported. Below is a recommendation to take that may help prevent the problem from recurring.

* Contact PepiMK Software for support or product updates.

Additional information

If this problem continues to occur with the latest product updates for Spybot - Search & Destroy, we recommend you obtain assistance and troubleshooting information directly from PepiMK Software.

md usa spybot fan
2006-02-17, 23:03
That sounds like a canned answer from Microsoft.

All of a sudden it fails to load...
Is there a specific error message that you are getting?

... I think after the most recent updates of Microsoft's security updates.
Since you indicate that you think "… the most recent updates of Microsoft's security updates" may have been a factor in the problem, please indicate what OS you are running and what "... security updates" that you think may be involved the problem.

2006-02-18, 05:03
In response to what seems a testy reply to my problem:

1) Yes, that is a canned response by Microsoft.

2) I'm using Windows XP Professional with SP2.

3) Regarding the 'think' phrase: I hadn't run Spybot for 3 weeks. I tried to run Spybot after this past Tuesday's security updates that Microsoft broadcasts on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

4) I'm using Spybot version 1.4

5) I uninstalled version 1.4 and reinstalled it... same problem

6) Fortunately I have other antispyware installed, but Spybot has become a favorite after years of usage [I believe was a beta tester] and have recommended it to many

No one else out there is experiencing the same?

md usa spybot fan
2006-02-18, 16:02

I’m on an XP Home system (not Pro). I installed the following "Security" updates that were published February 14, 2006 and have had no problems loading Spybot:
Windows XP Security Update for Windows XP (KB913446)
Windows XP Security Update for Windows Media Player Plug-in (KB911564)
Windows XP Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 (KB911565)
Windows XP Security Update for Windows XP (KB911927)
I suggest you consider posting in the Malware Removal forum and see if one of the helpers there can spot something that may be keeping Spybot from loading.

Follow the instructions here:
BEFORE you post a log, and who will advise you.
Then post in the following forum:
Malware Removal
Good luck,
md usa spybot fan a.k.a. testy

2006-02-18, 16:57
I'm wondering if it is getting interfered with by the Microsoft AntiSpyware program. RU using that also? Perhaps it's considering Spybot at root kit type program.

I'll try various options including fiddling with Microsoft's Data Execution Protection scheme. Team Spybot seems to think that version 1.4 will take care of my problem... unfortunately it hasn't.

I'll keep you posted, if you're interested. It is strange to me that there's been no other report of this in the forums. Thanks for caring.

md usa spybot fan
2006-02-18, 17:07
I'm wondering if it is getting interfered with by the Microsoft AntiSpyware program.
I run Microsoft AntiSpyware (Beta 1) and have never had a problem. Someone filled me in on their initial experience with Windows Defender (Beta 2) and never indicated any conflict.

2006-02-18, 17:10
Both md usa spybot fan and I have been using Microsoft AntiSpyware with Spybot S&D 1.4 since early last year. It caused some other small issues with Immunize and SDHelper (Bad Download Blocker) during updates, but never stopped Spybot from loading.

You could shutdown MS AntiSpyware while starting Spybot to see if that helps. Otherwise, I'd suggest posting in the Malware forum as md usa spybot fan recommended.

BTW, the Immunize and other issues have disappeared with the newly released version of MSAS called Windows Defender (Beta 2). Microsoft even mentions that Defender should coexist with other AntiSpyware programs without issue.

2006-02-18, 19:21

Here's the latest on what I've done:

I've excluded Spybot from Data Execution Protection, I've disabled Norton Internet Security, Microsoft AntiSpyware [beta] and SpySweeper. It still fails to load.

I've e-mailed Norma at Team Spybot [ticket #125174730] but haven't received a response.

Thought I'd pass it on...


2006-02-18, 20:01
Team Spybot is in Europe, mostly Germany, and operates on weekdays. It might be faster to post in the Malware forum since some of the helpers there operate on weekends, though there's no guarantee.

If they think your issue is malware, they will likely direct you here anyway, since they concentrate on program issues which we haven't yet confirmed. The only way to confirm this is to rule out pre-existing malware.

See the problem?

2006-02-18, 20:45
I certainly can try it. The same problem exists on one other system in house that is infrequently used. I'm suspecting an incompatability rather than malware [if you mean a trojan horse or the like.] I'll give it a shot a little later. Thanks.

2006-02-19, 22:31
Hello all:

It seems that I resolved my problem on my own. Here's what I did:

1) I uninstalled Spybot. I deleted all Spybot entries in my Program Files and worked though my registry, cleaning all registry items left over referring to Spybot.

2) I reinstalled Spybot 1.4.

It loaded and is up to date. I've run my scans. All systems go.

All is well again. I suspect something was broken in my registry interferring with loading the program. Specific item? I don't know.

The Spybot ticket is closed. Thanks for assisting with suggestions.

2006-02-20, 13:22
To anyone willing to try the latter suggestion:
Instead of working through your registry manually you can also use the very small fix (http://www.safer-networking.org/files/remove-spybotsd-settings.reg) mentioned in the following FAQ:
How to uninstall (http://safer-networking.org/en/faq/27.html)

Just right-click the link, choose "Save as" to save it on your disk, execute it by double-clicking and click "Yes" to confirm. This little fix removes all registry remains of Spybot-S&D after uninstall.

2006-02-20, 16:07
Hi Captain Gut:

Would that I'd have known about the info in the FAQ, it would've saved me a lot of work. Thanks. Hope it will be useful to others in the future.