View Full Version : Windows 95 compatibility

Gray Beard
2008-03-02, 03:24
Windows 95 compatibility

I have been a windows 95 user since 1996. I have become very familiar with the OS. I am also a long time Spybot - Search & Destroy user starting with Version 1.2 and then later using Version 1.3. It is one of the tools I reach for first. I was very happy to read that Version 1.5 would support Windows 95. After several weeks of failed attempts to get the program working correctly I have decided to ask the experts for assistance.

Here is a description of my installation:

PC DOS Version 7.0
Windows 95 Version 4.00.950 This is the Retail Upgrade version.
Dial Up Networking Version 1.3
DCOM95 Version 1.3
DirectX Version 8.0a
IE Version 5.5 SP2
Spybot - Search & Destroy Version
ZoneAlarm Version 2.6.362

The installation has additional patches and some system utilities. The installation was created from scratch starting with a zeroed hard drive. I have not done any uninstalls so there is no debris left over from uninstall programs. At every step of the way I have also cleaned out the debris left over from messy install programs. Historically I have found that this gives me improved performance and stability. Whenever I hack deep into the system or connect to the internet I wipe the C: volume and restore from a backup. I do not suspect an infection.

The Spybot - Search & Destroy installer shows unreadable text adjacent to it's progress meters. This is only a cosmetic fault and it seams to function perfectly. It installs, creates the requested icons and options, and successfully downloads the Windows 95 components as well as the detection rules.

The installer creates several folder branches in the file system and the registry. The interesting ones are:

C:\windows\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Excludes\
(Populated with Bots.sbe, Single.sbe, and SystemInternals.sbe)


[HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Safer Networking Limited\SpybotSnD]

When the Spybot - Search & Destroy executable first runs it creates a data folder branch in the file system. FAQ #023 indicates the branch location depends on the OS version. I have observed a Windows 98 installation behaving as described in the FAQ. On my installation the data lands in C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\. Curiously enough this is where IE dumps its files if Shfolder.dll is missing. Even more curious is a registry key created by the executable when it exits:

[HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Safer Networking Limited\SpybotSnD]
"ResultsDir"="C:\\WINDOWS\\TEMP\\Spybot - Search & Destroy"

I can manually change or delete this key and it doesn't matter. I can manually create the key pointing to the Application Data folder after the installer exits and before the executable starts and it doesn't matter. I have noted that if I create the key before the executable starts it will not be overwritten. Spybot - Search & Destroy Version 1.3 creates a similar key that points to the desktop. Version 1.3 creates a data folder branch nested in with the program files.

The work around for this is to copy Bots.sbe, Single.sbe, and SystemInternals.sbe into the TEMP branch and let the executable do its thing.

There are two other problems I have noticed. Since they may be related to the TEMP folder problem I have only worked on them briefly.

The built in update function hangs. It must be shut down with CONTROL-ALT-DEL. This system connects to the internet via telephone modem. It has no LAN and there is no proxy server. ZoneAlarm does not indicate that internet access has been requested. ZoneAlarm becomes corrupted and does not shut down properly. Windows becomes corrupted and will not shut down without a blue screen. If ZoneAlarm is not running Windows is still corrupted.

The work around is to manually download the detection rules: The self extractor works fine.

The TeaTimer check box on the Resident page does not work correctly. It can turn on TeaTimer but turning it off requires hacking it out of the System Startup page.

I can work around all of the problems that I have found. I am bringing this stuff to your attention because I have read that Spybot - Search & Destroy Version 2 is being developed and the information may be useful for that effort.

Thank you very much for your time.