View Full Version : Spybot Freezing

2008-03-08, 12:28
I'm not sure if this is the right area to post this, but it looked like the most relevant. It seems that whenever I run a spybot scan, the computer either just freezes or reboots itself, I wasn't sure if it could be because of a certain thing it was searching for was making it crash, so the last time I did a scan, I watched the bar at the bottom which tells you what its searching for and when it crashed I'm pretty sure it was looking for smitfraud-c, and looking on the internet this seems to be something people have trouble getting rid of, but it could well be related to something else. Thanks in advance for any help


2008-03-08, 16:15

You are not naming the relevant items.
Which Spybot version do you use?
Did you download the latest updates?
Which windows version do you have?

Best regards
Team Spybot

2008-03-09, 19:48
Sorry, I'm a bit of a fool.

I'm using spybot 1.5.2.
Yeah I have the latest updates, and I'm using XP Home edition.
