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View Full Version : My site got blacklisted.

2008-03-08, 14:32
My free file hosting site got black listed by Spybot..resulting in some of my users unable to access my site.

Apparently we have some users uploading adware, spyware or other potentially unwanted programs. Given the nature of our site, we cannot 100% monitor all the files uploaded to our servers.

What can we to fix this? I send an email to the Spybot team 3 days ago but there was no respond.

2008-03-10, 11:42
Nobody from the team to help??

2008-03-10, 11:46
Well, what exactly do you expect? That all blocks are removed to make sure yours isn't blocked?

My crystal ball told me your website is www.iamablockedwebsite.com, but I guess it's misaligned or I need new drivers, since I couldn't find it in the blocklist ;)

2008-03-10, 17:59
All I get is an "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" message when I try to access the page which means that the server is down and the problem has nothing to do with Spybot. The problem and solution lie elsewhere.

2008-03-11, 01:34

My servers uptime are 21 days. I did an installation of spybot in my pc and found my url inside the host file. If you had installed spybot,thats why probably you can't access my site.

Anyway the reason I'm here is to seek help on getting my url out of the blacklist.

2008-03-11, 02:26
Apparently we have some users uploading adware, spyware or other potentially unwanted programs. Given the nature of our site, we cannot 100% monitor all the files uploaded to our servers.

This sounds like a copout. Surely if you chose to host a free redistribution site, then you have some obligation to protect its users against downloading malware etc from it. Why don't you quarantine all uploads until they have been scanned clean before placing on your servers for download.

2008-03-11, 02:45
We have a contact form for anyone to report any misuse and will not hesitate to delete any files that are illegal within 24 hours. Thousands of files are uploaded daily.

Given this is a 'free' service, we have limited funds to do things like you mention. We need to hire programmers for that, in fact its in our future plans to implement this feature of scanning files.

I hope spybot can remove our URL, as false positive,based on the ground that we don't distribute spywares intentionally and has been actively deleting reported files.

The purpose of our site is to provide a free webspace for anyone in the world, to host legitimate files like documents and images.

ps: pardon for my English as it's not my first language.

2008-03-11, 06:45

We have a contact form for anyone to report any misuse and will not hesitate to delete any files that are illegal within 24 hours. Thousands of files are uploaded daily.
Even if you do manage to delete bad files within 24 hours, that is 24 hours users are exposed to them.

Given this is a 'free' service, we have limited funds to do things like you mention. We need to hire programmers for that, in fact its in our future plans to implement this feature of scanning files.

Once you do that, then would be the time to request the site is removed from lists such as:


I hope spybot can remove our URL, as false positive,based on the ground that we don't distribute spywares intentionally and has been actively deleting reported files.

A false positive is another way of saying ‘mistake’, a result that is erroneously positive when a situation is normal.

Apprantly that does not apply in your situation.

Best regards.

2008-03-11, 06:52
Now do you really think that even major name web sites would be considered acceptable if they had your policy?

If you don't have a volunteer group in place to at least attempt to weed out known malware I don't see how you can think you'd be given a 'pass'. What you've created is an obvious malware distribution site, intentional or not.
