View Full Version : Will not run?

2008-03-10, 01:25
I have recently installed SpyBot on this PC, but it won't run. When I right click the spybot icon next tot he clock, and click "Run SpyBot S&D", nothing happens. Same goes if I try to open it through Start -> All Programs -> Spybot.

I have redownloaded and reinstalled and rebooted the PC multiple times. Does anyone know what to do?


2008-03-10, 03:02
I have the same problem.
I went into the files and right clicked on main, then went to properties, and the file shows 933KB on disc, and 404KB in the file.

When i download the program, the main is checked but is grayed, it shows a 8.34mb size, I'm not sure whats going on??

2008-03-10, 03:14
what windows are you running? try opening spybot by clicking the icon, instead of right clicking teatimer and opening spybot. its possible you might be infected, and that is presenting spybot from running. try restarting in safe mode by restarting and then when windows begins to load, hit f8 and choose safe mode. scan with all your antispyware and scan with your antiviruis. remove anything found and report back. are you able to install spybot and run the program fine then?

2008-03-29, 17:34
what windows are you running? try opening spybot by clicking the icon, instead of right clicking teatimer and opening spybot. its possible you might be infected, and that is presenting spybot from running. try restarting in safe mode by restarting and then when windows begins to load, hit f8 and choose safe mode. scan with all your antispyware and scan with your antiviruis. remove anything found and report back. are you able to install spybot and run the program fine then?

Can't believe almost three weeks have passed:oops: I'm still unable to get the main menu to load. When I'm at the install select window, the main menu is checked, as are all the others except the box for blind users, the main is greyed out, and no combinations will bring it to a black check in the box.
I don't know how to select and copy a screen of the properties window, but it seems there is hardly any data in the icon on my desktop.

I'll try to stay in contact for the next few days


I am running XP Pro/ service pack3


2008-03-30, 04:08
sp3 wasent released to the general public yet, that could be a possible reason. r u beta testing for sp3? if so try removing sp3 and see if that helps. Try again. If not, and u made a error with what service pack your running, then let a spybot team member assist you because i have no other idea what it could be then because u have sp3.

2008-03-30, 05:10
In addition to 129260`s post,I`d like to add that `Main file` is checked and greyed out in the Select Components screen when installing by default,that is normal.

Besides answering the question about service pack 3,could you also let us know if you`ve been having any problems on your computer?Any malware type problems,or anything like that?

2008-03-30, 05:45
gakor, since this is your post, are u also running windows xp with beta service pack 3?