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2006-02-20, 19:23
this just showed up with the newest update:

Carima Enterprises: Link (File, nothing done)
C:\Documents and Settings\jen\Desktop\New Folder (4)\New Folder (2)\ACD FotoSlate 3.1.lnk

Carima Enterprises: Link (File, nothing done)
C:\Documents and Settings\jen\Desktop\New Folder (4)\New Folder (2)\ACD Photo Editor 3.1.lnk

Carima Enterprises: Link (File, nothing done)
C:\Documents and Settings\jen\Desktop\New Folder (4)\New Folder (2)\ACDSee 7.0.lnk

Carima Enterprises: Link (File, nothing done)
C:\Documents and Settings\jen\Desktop\New Folder (4)\New Folder (2)\New Folder (4)\ACDSee 6.0.lnk

2006-02-20, 23:23
Please provide a complete log. :)

Open SpyBot, check for and get any updates available.
Close all browsers, check for problems and fix everything found in red
Then on the toolbar menu select mode and switch to advanced mode, on the left lower down select tools, and view report, ensure all the options are selected near the bottom except

Uncheck[ ] do not report disabled or known legitimate Items.
uncheck[ ] Include a list of services in report.
Uncheck[ ] Include uninstall list in report.

Now select (near the top) view report.
Press export in the save in box choose a place such as your my documents folder, then in your next post near the bottom select the "browse" button; navigate to and attach or post that report.

2006-02-21, 00:14
Think Im with you (unless not understanding your question)... ie what the heck is 'Carima Enterprises'?
Couldnt find much that made sense with Google search.
Well, at least thats my question, and I dont think anyone needs a log printout to answer.
Good luck with whatever part of your question Im not getting.

2006-02-21, 02:55
I take it akmbd166 is not genjen. ;)

2006-02-21, 03:18
Close all browsers, check for problems and fix everything found in red

see, the only things in red are Windows Security Center.UpdateDisableNotify, which i knowing turned off because i dont want it telling me i turned off autoupdate, and the stuff under Carima Enterprises which showed up with the newest update as i stated in my previous post, because its acdsee which i know is not spyware and which im trying to report as a false positive, so im not about to tell spybot to fix it and lose my icons for acdsee

2006-02-21, 07:03
Hi genjen

SpyBot will show some desktop shortcuts that are not bad at times.
simply Set SSD to Ignore them if you are sure they belong to a good program.

2006-02-21, 13:03
I take it akmbd166 is not genjen. ;)

You take it right.
But I still dont know what 'Carima Enterprises' means/is.
Do you?

2006-02-21, 13:14
would you please send the links and the files to those links to Spybot S&D. We installed Acdsee and could not find any problems. Send everything to christian#spybot.info (replace # with @)- attn:"Carima" . Thank you.

P.S.: Carima Enterprises "produces" Dialers

2006-02-21, 15:06
i would but i keep getting an error msg saying that that mail adress doesnt exist

2006-02-21, 15:11
please send it to detections#spybot.info (replace # with @)

2006-03-06, 10:17
I've got the same message reporting a link to PaintShopPro 8 (german). The link was dead (PSP uninstalled) and not using a direct file link (like msoffice-links in start menu). Unfortunately I deleted the link before reading this. So I cannot send the file to you :(

SD 1.4, rules: 3.3.2006

2006-05-22, 17:08

scanning my system by using spybot from a bart pe-cd I got a (quite sure) false positive for carima enterprises. Questioned file is a desktop-link, that I put as a copy of the original link for Windows Update. The Original link was not been shown as carima-related. When scanning with spybot inside the XP-system, none of these files are shown in the result list. Also: Both files are identical (proved by MD5-check with filalyzer) and show to wupdmgr.exe in the system32-folder. I double-checked the results, they were reproducable.

BTW (only a very little quirk): looking inside spybot in ignore products -> all products there I find carima enterprises listet twice, both entries with category dialer, but looking in the dialer-category there is only one to be seen; another entry is in the trojans-category. Just FYI.

My system: XP pro SP2 with the latest updates, spybot 1.4 with the latest definitions (very last weekend)

Nevertheless: Very many thanks to Pepi and all the others in spybot-team, you are doing a very great job. (Danke Patrick)



2006-06-01, 11:14
Thanks for reporting,

the false positive of Carima Enterprises will be fixed on Friday!


2006-06-04, 14:15
Thank you, Markus, for answering.

I did update yesterday (Saturday) and checked again.

First the good news: The little quirk I mentioned in my previous post (ignore products list) is solved; Carima shows in all products once as dialer, once as trojan.

The bad news: The (IMHO) wrong detection by scanning from a Bart-environment is still there, unchanged from that, what I described before.


2006-06-12, 12:58
Redid the test from Bart PE yesterday (Sunday) after downloading the newest definitions. The problem is still there as described above.


2006-07-16, 09:02
Redid the test once a week since my last post on every weekend.

There is no change regarding the scan from Bart PE.