View Full Version : torrents

2008-03-17, 09:20
Watch the torrent files that your media file may say you need to view certain media. Usually no matter what you think you have downloaded, if it asks for a torrent from a specific website. its a trap. and you probably accidently downloaded a porn that was titled as something else
:oops: the newest malware spyware and adware are usually associated with a media file or torrent Then the file asks for you to visit there website to download the specified torrent
The virus protection that is advertised on your task bar is responsible for your infection so never download or use the virus protection they advise, that is not your system telling you you have a problem. No website has a control panel that is located at there website not located on your computer, unless its a scam. run spybot find the location of the bad file wich is usually located in your windows directory. Then manually remove it. If spyware has a problem fixing it
In alot of cases the virus infects your memory so manualy deleting and rebooting wont always work. sometimes you have to do some exploring.

2008-03-17, 09:46
if you have a red biohazard screen telling you your computer is in danger or whatever. move your cursor to the upper left hand corner and an action bar will appear that will give you the option to close, then your original background should reappear. im sorry to the administrators if ive offended in anyway Spybot S&D rulz