View Full Version : Host File

2008-03-24, 23:53
Hi Guys

I searched but couldn't find an existing thread with this topic and I don't know if this is the right place to post, I couldn't find one that I thought suitable, so move it to the right place if you have to.

I updated to the latest Spybot 2 weeks ago and allowed Spybot to load sites into my host file.

After doing that, I was unable to connect to the net and my CPU was at 100%. After about 5 -10 minutes it would clear and connect OK.

I decided to uninstall Spybot and ran without it being installed for a couple of days, but it made no difference.

So I reinstalled Spybot, not thinking that it could be that, but knowing at the bottom of my heart that it was the only thing I changed before the problem started.

I've since consulted a programmer friend of mine to look into my problem.. I sent him my event log for him to examine. He looked up the event on this site..


If you scroll three quarters down the page or maybe use Firefox to find Spybot, you will see the report.

After reading that I deleted my host file and replaced it with an old one that I keep in reserve.. bingo, it worked, I have no problems with connecting to the net now, I'm connected within seconds.

I'm hoping that this will help others to discover what is wrong if they have the same problem :)

md usa spybot fan
2008-03-25, 05:41
What Windows OS are you running?

Large HOSTS files can cause problems in certain systems. You could try the following and see if it helps. From:
Blocking Unwanted Parasites with a Hosts File

Editors Note: in most cases a large HOSTS file (over 135 kb) tends to slow down the machine. This only occurs in W2000/XP/Vista. Windows 98 and ME are not affected.

To resolve this issue (manually) open the "Services Editor"

Start | Run (type) "services.msc" (no quotes)
Scroll down to "DNS Client", Right-click and select: Properties
Click the drop-down arrow for "Startup type"
Select: Manual, or Disabled (recommended) click Apply/Ok and restart. [more info (http://mvps.org/winhelp2002/services.htm)]

When set to Manual you can see that the above "Service" is not needed (after a little browsing) by opening the Services Editor again, scroll down to DNS Client and check the "Status" column. It should be blank, if it was needed it would show "Started" in that column. There are several Utilities that can reset the DNS Client for you ... [more info (http://mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm#Related)]

2008-03-25, 23:16
Thanks for the response :)

I've been using Spybot for some years and Spybot has been adding stuff to my host file for a long time. Maybe an advisory could be given before you choose the option to have Spybot add those sites to your host file.

Perhaps point out it's more useful for new users who haven't used it before and what could happen if you already have those sites added by Spybot previously, who are effectively duplicating the entries ;)

md usa spybot fan
2008-03-26, 05:42

Spybot does not duplicate entries that it has previous placed in the HOSTS file. If you leave the current Spybot added HOSTS file entries in place it will just add new entries to the list.

2008-03-27, 20:45
Thanks again for your response.

I'm obviously not being very clear in my explanation of what actually happened.

I have allowed Spybot to add to my host file for as long as I've been using it.

Two weeks ago I updated to the latest version of Spybot. After installation there was an option (not sure in what form) for Spybot to add to the host list, I chose yes. That's when the duplication must have happened, it added the whole darn database on top of what I already had in there..there is simply no other explanation for the problem I experienced.

As far as I'm aware, Spybot does not check for duplication when it adds to the host file. Or does it?

Unfortunately I deleted that host file and replaced it, so I have no actual proof to show you, but logic must be paramount here and someone should test it.

I was lucky enough to have a friend who was able to tell me what was happening, others might not be so lucky. I'm really worried that those not so able, might call in a 'tech guy' and have to pay money for them to sort it.