View Full Version : Trouble with upgrade to V1.5

2008-03-26, 00:29
Hi all,

I have been running S&D V1.4 for some time and the other day the update procedure showed an upgrade to V1.5.x.

This was ticked and it downloaded, but when I ran it and it went looking for the other files, the connection to the internet shutdown and the process did not complete.

Now when I ask V1.4 for updates, it no longer shows the V1.5 update.

I downloaded the V1.5 from the web and when I run it, it tells me the file is corrupt. I've tried several times now - same result.

V1.4 still runs.

I am Winxp sp2

Many thanks for any help

md usa spybot fan
2008-03-26, 05:54
Did you download from one of the sites listed here?
Mirror selection - The home of Spybot-S&D!
After the download was the MD5 hash of the spybotsd152.exe installation program equal to the following?

2008-03-26, 06:06
Did you download from one of the sites listed here?
Mirror selection - The home of Spybot-S&D!
After the download was the MD5 hash of the spybotsd152.exe installation program equal to the following?
CC91B89CE4EBA400BAED4F626487D579 I used one of the mirrors, yes.

Whilst I do a bit of this sort of stuff, I don't know about the MD5 hash you talk of..nor how to check it

When it all disconnected, it said I could run it again, so I looked in >program files>spybot s&d>updates and found sbsd152upd.exe. When I ran this, I got the error, so I went back to the mirror and pulled it down again, saving it to my desktop and then running that. Same result.

BTW, thanx for the reply..


md usa spybot fan
2008-03-26, 06:48

The installation program from the mirror sites is spybotsd152.exe which is not the same as the sbsd152upd.exe you indicate you are trying.

If you are actually executing the Spybot 1.5.2 installation program (spybotsd152.exe) and are getting a message indicating the file is corrupted, check the MD5 hash value to make sure that the file downloaded properly. See this post (http://forums.spybot.info/showpost.php?p=154621&postcount=9) for programs that can produce the a MD5 hash on files.

2008-03-26, 07:44
I've just pulled it down again and deleted the file from the location posted above.

The installer now runs, and it is just getting some updates and all looks goods.

md usa spybot fan - Thank you very much for the pointers on how to get around this - not exactly sure of the problem, but it's gone now!
