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View Full Version : Winlogin.ini disabled

2008-03-25, 04:24
Hi guys, i am using XP Home edition. I got a spyware yesterday from a friend, and i ran Spybot and deleted the spyware, but i overdid some other stuffs while i was cleaning the spyware.

i disabled the winlogon.ini registry from the start up list in the advance function of Spybot, and now my computer freezes at the window log on page.

so i installed xp pro without formatting the hard drive, here is the question, is there anyway that i can change the XP Home registry back using the current Windows XP pro?

is there any free software that allow me to do that?

Thank you for your helps.

2008-03-26, 19:20
Hi guys, i was using spybot 1.4 a couple days ago, and i noticed in the start up fuction, there was some strange names such as winlogin.ini and whole bunch other winlogin registry, out of thinking, i start unchecking those list. and here i am, staring at windows stuck in the login page...

i know i should have done some research before changing anything, but is there any way to get to to where i were?

I burnt a BartPE bootable cd, and i am able to get access to the registry list on my computer, can someone please tell me how to make windows load those winlogin file again at start up? can i do it on my registry?

Thank you in advance.

md usa spybot fan
2008-03-26, 19:33

Are you able to logon in safe mode and do a system restore to a restore point prior to when you deleted the WinLogon entries?

2008-03-26, 23:24
yeah, but soon i type the command to get to the system restore, the system restore shows up as a blank page.

i somehow managed to boot into windows, but the desktop and other stuff won't show, i press ctrl + alt + del, and found out that explorer.exe didn't show up.

i tried to name "explorer.exe" to "explorer1.exe", and change the registry to "shell"="explorer1.exe"

still no luck. I guess i have to install windows again?

2008-03-27, 08:06
Hello chochowang,

I have merged your first topic, posted in the tavern, with this thread.

Hi guys, i am using XP Home edition. I got a spyware yesterday from a friend, and i ran Spybot and deleted the spyware, but i overdid some other stuffs while i was cleaning the spyware.

i disabled the winlogon.ini registry from the start up list in the advance function of Spybot, and now my computer freezes at the window log on page.

so i installed xp pro without formatting the hard drive, here is the question, is there anyway that i can change the XP Home registry back using the current Windows XP pro?

is there any free software that allow me to do that?

Thank you for your helps.

still no luck. I guess i have to install windows again?
Clarifying so that md usa spybot fan, who is assisting you, is aware that XP Pro was installed over XP Home after winlogon.ini was disabled. :blink:

md usa spybot fan
2008-03-27, 14:37

Winlogon entries are normally stored as subkeys in the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify
When they are disabled they are normally stored here:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify_Disabled
However I don't know how you are going access the old registry.


What version of Spybot were you running? The reason I am asking is because it seems that I can not currently disable WinLogon entries under Spybot 1.5.20. To verify the above observations concerning the registry locations I attempted to un-check a WinLogon entry. However, in the current environment it appears that un-checking a WinLogon no longer disables the entry. i.e. if you go into Go into Spybot » Mode » Advanced Mode » Tools » System startup and disable a WinLogon entry and subsequently exit the "System startup" facility an then reenter the "System startup" facility the WinLogon entry that was originally unchecked appears checked again.