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View Full Version : Opera bookmark aborts scan

2008-03-26, 20:22
False "Scan aborted by user" error due to Opera bookmark

I installed, manually downloaded updated definitions, and ran a scan for Usage tracks only. About 10 minutes into the scan, 2 "User abort" error messages displayed in the results window and "Scan aborted by user" appeared on the status line. I did NOT abort the scan. There was also a usage track for an Opera bookmark: Net-Integration Forum. I selected this and clicked Fix selected problems to get rid of it. No green check mark. I scanned again. Same results: "Scan aborted by user" and Net-Integration bookmark. But this time there was no Fix selected problems button. I closed Spybot, ran Opera, and deleted the bookmark manually. I rebooted and ran the same Spybot scan again. Same results: "Scan aborted by user" and Net-Integration bookmark. After some head scratching, I found a Net-Integration bookmark in Opera's trash and deleted it there too. That did it! Now when I run the same scan, the Net-Integration Forum bookmark is no longer found. And, surprisingly (to me at least), I no longer get the false "Scan aborted by user" error.

But why would a simple Opera bookmark abort the scan?

2008-03-27, 16:17
Which Opera version do you run? We tried to reproduce this behavior, but unfortunately to no avail. Did you already try to reproduce this bug?

2008-03-28, 06:54
This is on Opera version 9.10. Before I deleted the Net-Integration bookmark, I was able to duplicate this consistently. I probably ran a dozen scans, rebooting after each one except the first, with the same results. However, after I deleted the bookmark in Opera and I emptied the trash, the problem went away.

Per your question, I manually recreated the bookmark in Opera and ran multiple scans again. Spybot still finds the bookmark and highlights it in red in the results window, but I no longer get the "User abort" and "Scan aborted by user" error. A mystery!

FWIW, this was the bookmark I deleted:


Additional info (may or may not be relevant):

When I select the bookmark and click on Fix selected problems, Spybot says that it is fixed, but the bookmark does not get deleted. There is no green checkmark and the Fixes xxxxxx-xxx.txt file contains the line (Bookmark, nothing done). Opera is not running during the Spybot scan.

2008-03-28, 08:07
Your version of Opera is very out of date. The current version is Opera 9.26. It's entirely up to you of course, but I suggest that you get the latest version as soon as possible. Even if it doesn't completely solve your problem with the Spybot scan, at least you'll be running the latest, most secure, version of Opera.