View Full Version : Registry change warning

2008-03-28, 08:14
Following a problem with a rogue website the other day, I installed Spybot Search and Destroy which effectively dealt with that problem.,removing lots of malaware. However I now keep getting messages from Spybot "Search and Destroy has detected an important registry entry that has been changed.
Category: User-specific browser tool bar
Change: Value added
entry: (F O D 4 B 239-D A 4 B-4 D A F-81 E 4-D F E E 4931 A 4 A)
New data: hex: 39, B2, D 4, F 0, 4 B, D A, AF, 4 D, 81, E 4, D F, E E,)
Clicking on"?" Brings up:
Event TeaTimer
Spybot - Search & Destroy has detected a change to an Internet Explorer toolbar........

User interactions TeaTimer
Did you just try to install some Internet Explorer plugin? If it is not shown as a bad one, you should proceed. If this happens out of the blue sky while surfing the web, you should get cautious.
How can I tell if this is good or bad? I cannot find the answer in the Spybot tutorial.
I have opted to deny the change always. Was that the correct decision?