View Full Version : immunization no longer offered for mozilla-based browsers?

2008-04-10, 02:50
After updates Spybot 1.5 used to have immunize entries where I could mark the checkbox for Mozilla/Firefox related stuff. I noticed recently those entries are no longer there, not sure when they were removed but it might be when I upgraded to 1.5.2 - are they supposed to still be there?

Since these disappeared around the same time as SpywareBlaster 4.0 was installed and suddenly stopped detecting my browser profile, is this problem related? (I had to give up on 4.0 and went back to 3.5.1 which still works correctly here.)

I have Win98SE, Spybot 1.5.2, SpywareBlaster 3.5.1, SeaMonkey 1.1.9 (but no Firefox of any version).

At one point I remember having un-immunizing the Mozilla related entries because they were very slow to process, and left them un-checked for a while, but now they are no longer offered? I also have another system running W2KPro-SP4, Spybot 1.5.2 with the mozilla-related entries un-immunized, SeaMonkey 1.1.8 and SpywareBlaster 3.5.1 (did not try 4.0 here) where the checkboxes used to be there but are also now missing. But a friend running WinXP and Spybot 1.5.2 (but did not try SB4.0 nor do the un-immunize thing) still has the checkboxes available for them, why are mine missing?

2008-04-10, 03:19
PS- Yes, I saw the thread by vola1 about Firefox immunization but thought my case was a bit different. I have SeaMonkey but not Firefox, which puts its default profile location in a different place (I have always kept mine in the default location, it has been there for many years). Also SeaMonkey does not use any profile.ini file as described in that thread, that file is only used by Firefox. My profile does have a valid prefs.js as mentioned by PepiMK.

2008-04-17, 10:45
What, a week with no replies? Surely I can't be the only SeaMonkey user out here? Any ideas?

2008-04-17, 11:14
Should be listed as "Mozilla", but with the SeaMonkey icon. Works fine here on my browser-flooded XP test machine. BrowserCI (our test app) shows "Mozilla" detected as well, I'll have to check if those shown in immunization are Beonex or Mozilla entries though.

For SeaMonkey, Spybot-S&D looks for the registry.dat file, not profile.ini, which has a different format but should be understood as well. That file has a binary structure.

(edit: added a project tracker entry: Update browser support (http://forums.spybot.info/project.php?do=gotonote&issuenoteid=827) )

2008-08-16, 06:22
Sometimes I would see the checkboxes, but most times they were not offered, and had no clue what caused the vanishing act.

Well after much tinkering I finally found what the problem was. Most times I have SeaMonkey open, and Spybot does not offer to immunize it when it is open, the checkboxes are only available if SeaMonkey is closed when Spybot is launched, thus I would only very rarely see them. This behavior is different than for Firefox... discovering THAT detail took quite some doing as I have never installed any version of Firefox!

So, this becomes an enhancement request: Even if the browser is open, at least show the immunization lines related to SeaMonkey, and the totals that could potentially be immunized. Then if the user tries to actually apply the immunization when the browser is open, show the warning about closing the browser to prevent losing them, and apply anyway. In other words, make SeaMonkey handling consistent with how Firefox is done.