View Full Version : Celldorado !"$%^&*().......

2008-04-13, 11:00
Just installed and run Spybot .. it says its cleared a load of stuff . who am I to dispute that? but I have still got the problem I loaded it for....

I get full screen ads in Internet explorer but without any of the menus and other stuff at the top.. which do seem (vaguely) to be triggered by what I am doing .. thoug main cuprit seems to be Clldorado, offering screen savers and ringtones, but have had ads (apprently) from known companies like Argos & Sainsbury

Spybot hasn't stopped them

any ideas .. please, please. please. pretty pease

2008-04-13, 15:39
I would suggest your start a thread in the Malware Removal section of this forum. :)

2008-04-13, 16:54
Think I may have got rid of it .. got AVG antiRootkit (free) and it threw up a number of files xxxx.gfbiispd.yyy

told it to get rid of em, and not had a popup ad for some hours now

hoping .. hoping

2008-04-13, 21:57
AVG Anti-rootkit is outdated for over a year now. I have scanned with it before, and it has found nothing on my computer. If you are still experiencing the ads, I would suggest running AdAware 2007 and try another scan with Spybot-SD. The latest version is, and you should have the latest updates.