View Full Version : Confused.

2008-04-19, 18:52
I would sometimes confuse the computer terms memory and RAM. A description and their differences would be most appreciated. >:D

2008-04-21, 19:05

2008-04-22, 13:51
RAM_ [random acess memory] this memory is read write type acess randomly
all data deleted after power off.
ROM-[read only memory] only data can be read
some memory are bellow

2008-04-22, 19:57
Thanks... but I still do not understand what "memory" is specifically for... :-(

2008-04-27, 12:16
From: http://www.tekmom.com/buzzwords/zdramvhd.html

RAM vs. Hard Disk

It's easy to get RAM and Hard Disk space confused. When people get an "out of memory" error message from their computer, they often think their hard drive is too full, when in reality, the RAM (memory) is getting too full.

RAM is your memory, where as your hard drive is your storage. The more RAM you have, the more temporary storage of information that your computer needs to make calculations, run programs, open documents, etc.

2008-04-27, 18:10
Thanks for the quick explanation honda12. I did not really ask for the explanation of disk storage, but it's fine. So, from how I see it... RAM and memory are just one same term with the same meaning.