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Unable to fully immunize


New member
I'm running Spybot S&D v1.52 which seems to have been fine until today. Having downloaded the latest definitions I went to immunize so that all the new defs would be taken into account but whilst it did take in most it still left 250 unprotected.

I also run Webroot's SpySweeper so I shut that down and tried again because sometimes that blocks Spybot from its immunization task. No change!

I then rebooted and tried to complete immunization in safe mode. Still no go!

Has anyone else encountered this and is there a known solution please?
I have encountered it several times, and most of the issues were due to SpySweeper's immunization... Have you attempted to uninstall Webroot and reboot, and immunize again?

To the best of my knowledge you do not have to uninstall Webroot's Spy Sweeper to get immunization to complete.

Try turning off the active shield in Spy Sweeper while immunizing with Spybot.
I have turned off all Internet shields on SpySweeper but it made no difference. There's no way I will uninstall SpySweeper though.

I have encountered this problem in the past and turning off SpySweeper's internet shields always solved the problem. I could reenable them after immunization was completed. Now that workaround no longer works, or at least it doesn't for the last 250 definitions. :sad:

What category (profile) are the unimmunized entries in?

Windows - Global (Hosts)

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Not sure because the counts seem bazaar, but try the following:
  • Go into Spybot > Immunize.
  • Right click on the right hand pane and select "Deselect all".
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the right hand pane and under Windows check "Global (Hosts)".
  • Click the "Undo" button at the top of the right pane.
  • After all entries are shown as unprotected, click the "Immunize" button at the top of the right pane.
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In that case, do you regularly or have you ever made other modifications to the systems HOSTS file besides adding Spybot's HOST file entries?
I never touch the hosts file however, I do have the following installed:

Trojan Remover

Could one of them be the cause of this?

I do recognize any of those programs as things that modify the HOSTS file (assuming that you meant SpywareBlaster as opposed to "SpyBlaster").

I suggest that you try replacing your HOSTS file with the Microsoft default file and then attempt to add Spybot's HOSTS file again.

To replace your HOSTS file with Microsoft default HOSTS file:
  • Download HostsXpert from the following site:The page for HostsXpert is:The direct download URL for HostsXpert.zip is:
  • After downloading HostsXpert.zip, unzip (extract) the content of the file into a known location.
  • Execute HostsXpert.
  • If the first button in the left hand pane is "Make Writeable?", click on the button.
  • Click on the "Restore MS Hosts File" button.
  • When you receive the following confirmation dialog click "OK".
    • Confirm
      Press OK to Restore Microsoft's original Hosts File
      [OK] [Cancel]
  • Exit HostsXpert.
Add Spybot's Hosts file as follows:
  • Go into Spybot > Immunize.
  • Right click on the right hand pane and select "Deselect all".
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the right hand pane and under Windows check "Global (Hosts)".
  • Click the "Immunize" button at the top of the right pane (the button with large green plus sign)?

    --- or ---

  • Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Hosts file > Click the "Add Spybot S&D hosts list" button (at the top).
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Hosts File is Locked by another program

I had the same problem (71 UNPROTECTED items in "Global (Hosts)"). The solution can be much simpler ... as has been pointed out in another post or two ... and this solution worked for me. No rebooting, no downloading anything, no changing any files in system directories ...

Basically you are probably running another program on your PC which LOCKS THE HOSTS FILE. In my case it was ZoneAlarm. I am using the FREE ZoneAlarm version 7.0.470, but this should work with all 7.xx versions, may be also older ones.

Start ZoneAlarm (double click on the icon on the system tray).
Select the "FIREWALL" tab on the left.
Select the "Main" tab near the upper right.
Click the "Advanced" button near center right side.
In the new pop-up window ("Advanced Settings") UNCHECK the "Lock host file".

Now re-immunize with SB S&D.

You could re-lock the hosts file in ZoneAlarm afterwards, then re-apply the above each time you update SB S&D ... or it might be sufficient to use SB S&D Tool "IE Tweaks" and its own "Lock Hosts file read-only as protection against hijackers."

Hope this helps someone ...
I am also seeing immunization problems again. Spybot fails to immunize 71 unprotected items under "Windows Global Hosts".

Tried disabling Spysweeper, NAV 7.0, and PC Tools Threatfire 3.5.0 but that doesn't help.

I am also running SpywareBlaster 4.0 and there was previously a conflict between Spybot and that, but it was supposedly fixed.

OS is Windows XP Media Center Edition.
I was finally able to immunize "Windows Global Hosts" by disabling my firewall and Spysweeper. However Spysweeper, once re-enabled, now insists on displaying a constant popup "The Internet Communications Shield has blocked access to: (whatever) ".

My plan to fix this was to undo the SpyBot immunizations for the Hosts file. I tried deselecting everything except "Global Hosts" and then clicking "Undo" but that has no effect. Can I just edit the Hosts file and remove all of Spybot's modifications manually, or can you suggest some other workaround?

I'm running Spybot S&D v1.52 which seems to have been fine until today. Having downloaded the latest definitions I went to immunize so that all the new defs would be taken into account but whilst it did take in most it still left 250 unprotected.

I also run Webroot's SpySweeper so I shut that down and tried again because sometimes that blocks Spybot from its immunization task. No change!
I have the same problem and my error message is for me to run under admin privledges but i am running us admin ?
Any help much appriciated
Global (hosts) And Norton


does anyone know how I unlock host files in Norton 360. Georg gave instruction for zonealarm but my office uses Norton 360 version 2. I also was wondering if this would harm my virus protection in any way. Any help would be appreciated. THANKS