View Full Version : TeaTimer unable to shutdown.
2008-04-25, 03:52
It is becoming a annoyance these days :sad:. It is sad to say this... but TeaTimer is unable to shutdown at every computer shutdown. Once I attempted to shutdown, a window pops up saying TeaTimer is not responding and I was forced to force close the non-responsive TeaTimer. It always said: Acess Violation of XXXXXXXX. There was no close or OK button in the middle... just blank. Any help will be appreciated.
Have you tried un-installing and then reinstalling SpybotSD?
2008-04-25, 18:16
Ah. Well no :sad: sadly. Erm. Other members have suggested that I disable TeaTimer, and I don't see how that will help at all because that will just result no messages from TeaTimer. I believe TeaTimer is crucial in my Windows OS. :laugh: I'll try that later. Thank you, Greyfox.
Do you by any chance use AVG antivirus, and to be more specific, have you recently installed the new v8.0.100?
The reason I ask is that yesterday I changed from AVG version 7 to the new version 8. I specifically turned off Teatimer before commencing the installation. After completing the install of the new version of AVG, I turned teatimer back on and made another startup snap shot. I did a complete scan of the PC with the new AVG and a complete scan with SpybotSD. When I shut down the PC I experienced a similar problem to the one you describe, a series of Teatimer Access violation errors. From then till now, I have done a series of about 10 shutdowns and the fault has not re-appeared. I have not experienced this problem before and I have been running this version of SpybotSD ( with Teatimer active since it was first released.
2008-04-27, 03:23
Yes. I have AVG 8.0 Free installed. What I can say is that TeaTimer does not always prompt me with the access violation messages... but just one-half of the time. I have also found some items I thought I should be concerned about. Can you take a look Greyfox? Thanks:
Yes, very similar experience. Some 90 Adware (generic & specific) items detected during the registry scan. Currently they are quarantined with the result that 30 plugins (IE) are now shown as unprotected.
Will do some more testing in this area, but it does seem to be sdome sort of problem between Spybot Immunisation and AVG v8 registry scan
2008-04-27, 05:20
Yea, I got around 120 of them. After quarantining them... SpywareBlaster had 120 unimmunized and Spybot-SD had 30 under the IE plug-ins. It seems that after you immunize them again... AVG 8 finds them again even though a copy of it is in the Virus Vault. What I would do now... is just leave it alone since AVG found nothing except the "warnings". Thanks for your time, Greyfox. :bigthumb:
What I have since done for test purposes was to undo all of the spybot immunisations, then delete all of the warnings in the Virus Vault, then carried out another AVG 8 registry scan - no warnings occurred.
I then reimmunised all items in Spybot, then did another AVG 8 registry scan, 30 warnings. Sent to the virus vault. Spybot now lists 30 software plugins no longer immunised. Removed the items in the virus vault, reimmunised all items in spybot. AVG again finds 30 warnings but this time I have left them in situ.
It looks like it's a false positive problem for AVG 8
Why did AVG see 90 in the first scan - don't know, perhaps some were left over from a previous Spybot version. They have never shown up in Spybot, AVG 7, Malwarebytes or Hijack. As you say until such time as AVG sort this out there is little to be done but ignore these particular warnings.
2008-04-27, 19:06
Well actually, AVG 8.0 found 90 warnings + 30 so it would sum up to 120. When I quarantined them... SpywareBlaster came up as 90 unimmunized. As you said, it would be false positives.