View Full Version : Ad.yieldmanager.com -- false positive or infection?

2008-04-29, 20:40
I've been using Spybot-SD Resident for several years. I also use Internet Explorer as my browser (version 7.05). I frequently use Yahoo mail and never received any messages from Spybot indicating problems. A few weeks ago, Spybot started popping up warnings whenever I logged into Yahoo mail. The warnings say "S&Ds IE helper has detected an URL that is known as a malicious resource." The URL is ad.yieldmanager.com.

Until I clear the Spybot warning message, Yahoo will not deliver the page I am trying to load. As soon as I clear the Spybot message, the page loads.

Poking around with Google I found various references to malware with this name. However, I also found some statements saying that Yahoo purchased Right Media (which Spybot identifies as the owner of ad.yieldmanager.com) and that it is a company for delivering ads via the web. That would seem to suggest that Spybot is simply preventing Yahoo from delivering their ads to the Yahoo mail screens.

Spybot only blocks this URL when I am in Yahoo. I use Symantec Antivirus and it doesn't report any problems.

I regularly surf other sites and Spybot never detects this yieldmanager.com link.

So, should Spybot be blocking this URL? I went into the advanced setting and told Spybot to ignore Right Media, but I wonder if that is a safe thing to do. I would appreciate assistance with this question. Thank you.

Note: I found the answer to my immediate problems in another thread (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=27240&highlight=ad.yieldmanager.com) on this forum. However, that doesn't answer the question of whether or not this really is a malicious link or an indication of malware on my computer.

2008-04-30, 12:59
It appears that recently providers of freemail accounts began forcing the use of adservers for accessing the emails account through the webmailer.
Usually adservers will place tracking cookies to track the users surfing behavior or place advertising. And have no purpose for the user. By enforcing the connection to an adserver the freemail provider gives a 'reason' why users should allow the adservers.

An alternative would be to use an email client like Thunderbird, Eudora, and so on.