View Full Version : Problem w/wireless connection after inst AVG

2008-05-01, 15:22
So I just installed the latest AVG 8.0. Spybot S&D came up with a message just as the system was rebooting, so I think it changed the registry or something. There was no way I could stop the reboot process in time. So NOW, while my wireless connection is showing it is connected with a good signal, there is some type of error keeping it from connecting. I'm connected via cable modem now). I can't check email or browse the Internet.

I also did a system restore to one day last week, but am still encountering the problem. I'm 100% sure it is related to AVG or Spybot... and am leaning heavily towards Spybot, because I saw the warning message briefly before the system rebooted.

Anyway to get in the registry and see what changes were made and when so that I can delete them? I'm not a computer expert, but I'm not ignorant either. I don't want to do more damage than I've already done here.


md usa spybot fan
2008-05-01, 15:34

What version of Spybot are you running (Spybot » Help » About)?

2008-05-01, 15:52 1/9/2008


2008-05-01, 16:19
Of course, something I haven't tried is an uninstall of the wireless card software on my computer, and do a fresh install. Thing is, I can capture several of my neighbors signals on my card and run the Internet now. But the strong signal I was on when the problem occurred will not work. I'm thinking S&D is blocking it somehow.

Will S&D "remember" my card, or will it create a new registry item for it when I re-install it?

Edit: I also uninstalled AVG 8.0, and did a fresh re-install. There were no error messages this time, but my strong signal will still not work (although it is showing it is connected).


md usa spybot fan
2008-05-01, 16:34

When you get your problem resolved you should consider upgrading to the latest version of Spybot which is Spybot

If you received a TeaTimer registry change dialog that had to answered just as the system was restarting as opposed to a notification message based on previous "Remember this decision" in the lower right hand corner of the screen, it is unlikely that TeaTimer affected the registry change. TeaTimer actually does not stop/block registry changes before they are made. TeaTimer recognizes that a registry change has occurred after the fact and allows you to reverse the change by doing a "Deny change". Since TeaTimer's registry change dialog was not answered it should not have had any affect on the change.

Just to make sure, post the portion of the Resident.log that shows the changes around the time frame when the installation of AVG and the restart occurred.

There are several ways (4 listed below) to access the TeaTimer's Resident.log file:
Right click on the TeaTimer (Spybot-SD Resident) system tray icon and select Show Log.
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Resident.
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode > Tools > View Reports > View Previous reports. Select the Resident.log file and open it.
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the Resident.log file located in one of the following directories:
Windows 95 or 98:
C:\Windows\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
Windows ME:
C:\Windows\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
Windows NT, 2000 or XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
Windows Vista:
C:\ProgramData\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
Double click on Resident.log file and it should open with Notepad.
To copy information from the log into a post in the forum:
Copy the information into the Clipboard:
Highlight the portion of the log that you want to copy.
Right click and select Copy.
Paste (Ctrl+V) the information from the Clipboard to a new post in this thread.

2008-05-01, 16:41
Here's the log from today:

5/1/2008 7:23:41 AM Allowed (based on user decision) value "{A057A204-BACC-4D26-9990-79A187E2698E}" (new data: "984918818") added in Global browser toolbar!
5/1/2008 7:23:43 AM Allowed (based on user decision) value "{3CA2F312-6F6E-4B53-A66E-4E65E497C8C0}" (new data: "") added in Browser Helper Object!
5/1/2008 7:23:45 AM Allowed (based on user decision) value "{A057A204-BACC-4D26-9990-79A187E2698E}" (new data: "") added in Browser Helper Object!
5/1/2008 7:23:47 AM Allowed (based on user decision) value "AVG7_CC" (new data: "") deleted in System Startup global entry!
5/1/2008 8:45:12 AM Allowed (based on user decision) value "*Restore" (new data: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\restore\rstrui.exe -i") added in System Startup global entry!
5/1/2008 8:50:10 AM Allowed (based on user decision) value "*Restore" (new data: "") deleted in System Startup global entry!
5/1/2008 9:00:30 AM Allowed (based on user decision) value "*Restore" (new data: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\restore\rstrui.exe -i") added in System Startup global entry!
5/1/2008 9:34:45 AM Allowed (based on user decision) value "AVG8_TRAY" (new data: "C:\PROGRA~1\AVG\AVG8\avgtray.exe") added in System Startup global entry!
5/1/2008 9:36:35 AM Allowed (based on user decision) value "{3CA2F312-6F6E-4B53-A66E-4E65E497C8C0}" (new data: "") added in Browser Helper Object!
5/1/2008 9:36:42 AM Allowed (based on user decision) value "AVG7_CC" (new data: "") deleted in System Startup global entry!

md usa spybot fan
2008-05-01, 17:16

I'm sorry but I don't see anything in the log that looks like it may have caused the problem.

2008-05-02, 10:07
So I just installed the latest AVG 8.0....I'm 100% sure it is related to AVG or Spybot... and am leaning heavily towards Spybot

If your system was working properly before you installed the upgrade to AVG 8 and didn't work properly immediately after, then I would have thought the first possibility to consider in regards to your problem is the AVG update.

Remember this new version of AVG is no longer just AV software but now includes malware scanning, Link scanning and an extra tool bar (if you installed it). This is a fairly large change. The fact that reinstalling it didn't fix the problem doesn't clear the AVG update, all it does is suggest the problem probably wasn't due to a faulty install of the update as such. Are you in a position to uninstall AVG8 completely, resinstall AVG 7.5 to get back as close as possible to where you were before the problem started.

At some stage though, as md usa spybot fan says, you should consider changing to the current version of SpybotSD.

2008-05-02, 16:15
Another thought...

Thing is, I can capture several of my neighbors signals on my card and run the Internet now. But the strong signal I was on when the problem occurred will not work.

If you can access the internet through your neighbor's service, then it suggests that that service may be unprotected. Is the strong signal you refer to from a WEP or WPA encrypted/protected service?