View Full Version : Virtumonde.dll
2008-05-06, 04:22
Can you help me out?
When I run Spybot S&D for problems, it stops on Virtumonde.dll--it does not lock up or crash, just hangs. Also the Spybot S&D icon has disappeared from my system tray. I changed over from AVG 7.5 to Avir 8. I have also run Spybot S&D in safe mode, with no change. What do I need to do to fix this?:banghead:
I know you said you scanned or tried to in safe mode, but try scanning with ALL your security programs in safe mode, remove anything found. Another thing to try is to wait for a spybot def. update, which usually occurs on a Wednesday here in the U.S. If that does not work, i suggest a complete uninstall and reinstallation. If none of that works, you might be infected badly and need to visit the malware removal forum. First try the suggestions above and get back to me though. Hope that helps, let me know if you need more help. :)
2008-05-06, 07:07
Well, actually I heard of cases when the user's Spybot-SD freezes... or just lags/hangs on a scan. Some similar cases are when the scan hangs on Zlob. Hrm. Your computer won't show the symptoms of viruses/malware, if there are no-pop ups, changed IE settings, etc. Anyways straight to the point. If it should hang, even if safe mode... go to ADVANCED SETTINGS in the Mode tab on the main screen. Find the settings tab on your left side and click on IGNORE PRODUCTS. I would suggest that you click on box with "Virtuemonde.dll". Spybot will ignore this "fingerprint" in future scans. I would suggest this because... I do not think your computer is infected with Virtuemonde (computer instincts :laugh:) because if you were, the symptons will show.
2008-05-06, 07:20
Thanks for your replies; the good news is I downloaded a Spybot S&D 1.5.2 version and did another scan and...SUCCESS!!:2thumb:
haha glad to hear it man! good luck!
2008-05-07, 01:52
Hello, whiteturtle. So after all you were using a "outdated" version of Spybot-SD?