View Full Version : registrykey fixing failed

don hillery
2008-05-08, 21:46
Not sure if problem or not. Had 8 problems, 7 fixed, one couldn't be fixed. sb suggested restart might correct problem. did that, but problem still not fixed. althoe, sb said, congratulations, no immediate threats. so I'm not sure about or how to get the registry key fixed. needless to say i am not to knowledgeable about computers. am running latest SB/SD, win xp, sp2. unable to copy & paste, but the info: window explorer(SB1 $6107D172 user assistant history files (19 Files) (Registrykey fixing failed) HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-606747145-1958367476682003330-1005\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\userassist\75048700-ef-11do-9888-006097 deacf9}\count. i'm all this is messed up but would appreciate any help. also, the little red tri-angle that shows up there is what worries me. thanks..