View Full Version : carpe diem vars

2006-03-04, 06:29
I try to run spy bot but when it come to a file called "carpe diem vars" it gets hung up on it and won't continue. I assume this file is a virus of some kind. I ran Norton with all the resent updates and adware and they detected nothing. I have also ran spybot, norton and adware in safe mode with no luck.
Any help would be great.

2006-03-04, 12:13
Hi Anthony
Can you located this pest?...if the answer is yes.....try

md usa spybot fan
2006-03-04, 15:38
Just so you are not misinterpreting what you are seeing: During the running of a Spybot scan ("Check for problems") the status bar (lower left hand corner of the Spybot window) shows the following:
"Running bot-check(xxxxx/yyyyy:zzzzzz)" where:
xxxxx = Current check count
yyyyy = Total check count
zzzzz = Malware being checked for
The zzzzz is the name if the malware being checked for (in this case "CarpeDiem Vars" which is a dialer). It is not necessarily the specific file name or object being scanned for but rather a series of checks for that particular malware.
What version of Spybot are you running? What is the date of the "Latest detection update"?
Does your processor (CPU) have HyperThreading Technology (HTT)? If you don’t maybe this will help:
Does your taskmanager look like the one on this page?

The information for items 1 and 2 can be found by going into Spybot > Help > About.

2006-07-21, 16:06
Hi, I've run latest spy bot several times without beeing able to remove "Carpe Diem Vars" - when i try to fix it windows promts me with a " process still in use by memory..." 'r something like that. After each reboot it's still there, but spy bot directs me towards a directory (documents and settings/.../startmenu/program) i think, but to my surprise there's no files there, (and I have the "show concealed files"-option enabled)... strange(!). I've run all different types of malwaredetectors; McAffe VS, Hjt, Adaware etc, etc but only spybot detects CDV. I've done scans with "sytem restore" disabled, but still, CDV is there waiting for me when I scan with SB again. Is this a tricky one or what! Anyone gots a cluE?

by the way SB removed all other threats that I had, that even McAffe VS couldn't sniff out.

md usa spybot fan
2006-07-21, 16:36

There are two things that you can try to get rid of the things that Spybot-S&D is having difficulty removing:
Try to run it the next time you reboot.
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode > Settings > Settings > look for "System start" (located half way down the page).
Check the option: "Run program once at next system startup".
Reboot the system.
Run it in Safe mode.
Reboot your system in Safe mode and run Spybot-S&D.
Note: To reboot your system in Safe mode see:
Starting your computer in Safe mode (http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/tsgeninfo.nsf/docid/2001052409420406?OpenDocument&src=sec_doc_nam)
If Spybot-S&D still fails to remove the problem, consider posting in the Malware Removal forum and having someone take a look at your system. Follow the instructions outlined in the following reference:
BEFORE you POST. Preliminary Steps. Please READ to avoid assistance being delayed
Then start a new thread (topic) in the following forum:
Malware Removal
Note: Describe the problem you are having and include the HijackThis log and the on-line Anti Virus scan log/report produced when following above instructions.

2006-07-22, 16:30
md usa spybot fan:

Thank's for the swift reply, I'll follw your intuctions, and if it doesn't work - I'll post my problem in the malware section, as you say...
I'll post again soon to tell you if the advice worked out.
