View Full Version : incomplete immunization

2008-05-16, 23:53
Here is a question from a complete computer idiot that doesn't have any contacts to ask stupid questions. I have come to you as my last resort, please be patient. I ran spybot immunization and 27616 unprotected sites are left. The FAQ section says this may be because I don't have administrator rights. Is this true? This is my personal home computer, shouldn't I have administrator rights? I'm going to get a complex.

2008-05-16, 23:57
Hello, newbee. I'm assuming you're running a Windows Vista. :cowboy: Please read this thread.


It'll tell you how to get "admin" rights in Spybot-SD.

2008-05-18, 02:19
I don't think it's Vista, the information I have says my system is Microsoft Windows XP, Home Edition, Version 2002, Services Pack 2. I looked at the recommended link and followed the instructions, but when I right click on Spybot in the start menu, I don't see any "administrator" options. I sure appreciate your help.

2008-05-18, 02:33
Hello newbee. Oh. I was assuming that you were using a Vista because I've seen users ask about Admin rights in Spybot-SD. You said...

"The FAQ section says this may be because I don't have administrator rights. Is this true? "

How many accounts do you have on your computer. Is it just you?

Also, by any chance are you running Webroot SpySweeper?
Are you using ZoneAlarm Firewall?

2008-05-21, 17:56
Hello Drragostea. I am the only account on this computer and I'm not running the software Webroot or Zone Alarm. The security software on the system that I know of is: Malwarebytes', Spybot, Norton Protection, AT&T Yahoo online protection center, Ad-Aware 2007, CCleaner and of course the windows security center. Is there a conflict between these?

2008-05-21, 23:58
What I would like to know is the "Norton Protection" and the AT&T protection center. Perhaps you are using the "Internet Security" version of Norton? Also, can you describe the AT&T protection center. Thanks.

2008-05-22, 00:23
Hi Newbee,

Have you tried un-doing, then re-applying the immunisation?

1. http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj115/ilovehobnobs/undo-2.jpg

2. http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj115/ilovehobnobs/redo2.jpg

honda :)

2008-05-22, 06:59

If the possible solution Honda12 has suggested doesn't work, can you advise which particular catagories are not being immunised, ie. Global Hosts, Internet Explorer Domains, Firefox Domains etc.

Could you also advise what version of SpybotSD you have. If it is not the current 1.5.2 version I suggest you download it from one of the sites at http://www.spybot.info/en/mirrors/index.html. If you do need to update the version you are using, you should un-immunise in the old version first, then uninstall it. Then install the new version. Leave getting the updates until the installation is complete.

In any event can you post back and tell us whether you still have a problem