View Full Version : No Option to Lock IE Home Page with Vista

2008-05-25, 01:17
I have recently installed a Vista Dell computer and installed Spybot, the latest version. Today my home page was hijacked by Windows Messenger!

When I went to the usual place in Spybot where there are the IE tweaks (Lock Hosts file read-only as protection against hijackers
Lock IE start page setting against user changes (current user)
Lock IE control panel against opening from within IE (current user)
If the " Lock IE start page setting against user changes (current user)"

I found that only Lock Hosts file read was present. The other two options were missing altogether!!

What is going on. Is this feature not installed for Vista users, or what?

I am puzzled. I found another place on the internet that gave me registry fixes to undo and redo the lock for IE. But I would rather have this feature on Spybot.

Any help would be appreciated!

2008-05-25, 01:43
I don't have "Lock IE start page setting against user changes (current user)"
or "Lock IE control panel against opening from within IE (current user)"on Vista,either.Looks like those aren't available for Vista users(though I'm unsure of why that is).Please see:

How was your homepage hijacked by Windows Messenger?

2008-05-25, 03:23
Thanks for the link. I had searched the forums, but sorry I hadn't come across what you sent me.

As for the home page hijacking, it was done by MSN! I downloaded something called Windows Messenger, and then I downloaded MSN Messenger. God knows why they call these things by the same name. Microsoft has thoroughly confused me with Passport, Hotmail, MSN mail, and the various messengers. The result for me is that I don't even care any more and stay away from all that mess!

I found this wonderful website with easy to apply registry changes to unlock and relock the homepage: http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/ietips.htm

Look under the heading "Protecting Your Internet Explorer."

In order to get rid of the MSN invasion, I did a system restore, which works well in Vista.


We can close this thread.

2008-05-25, 22:51
Was it Windows Live Messenger?Windows Live Messenger is the latest instant messenger from MS.As I recall,when I was installing an update for Windows Live Messenger,in one part of the install there is a part that asks if you'd like your homepage to be one of the MSN pages,and it's pre-checked by default.If you wanted to give Windows Live Messenger another try,you'd just need to uncheck that when installing to keep your own homepage.

MSN messenger is just an older version of Windows Live messenger,you wouldn't need that one if you have Windows Live Messenger.

Microsoft Windows Messenger isn't used on Vista,I do not think.

If you wanted a different messenger program,I used to use Trillion Basic on XP.I believe it is also compatible with Vista.

I found this wonderful website with easy to apply registry changes to unlock and relock the homepage: http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/ietips.htm
Yes,that is a great site,I've found a lot there. :)

2008-05-26, 16:25
When I downloaded to install one or more of those pesky Messenger programs (I used to like MSN IM until they started making me link it with passport, etc.), I remember unchecking the box that wanted me to make MSN my home page.

Since then I have been bedeviled with adware. Anyway, thanks for the tips. I'll keep them in mind.

All the best, and this thread is closed.