View Full Version : Huge Disappointment

2008-05-25, 14:59
I've been a Spybot-S&D user for many, many years. A week or so ago I had to rebuild my XP workstation. This is a format up install, very clean and very few apps installed. I just now downloaded and installed Spybot S&D 1.5.2 and was surprised at how long it took the program to load. I knew that this was a problem in previous releases, but was certain that it had been fixed. I then applied all available updates to Spybot S&D, no change, still takes several minutes (approx. 4 minutes) to load (XP sp3, 2gHz pentium m, 2gb ram).

I'm really disappointed that the Download.com Editor's review of Spybot-S&D is accurate. One of the user reviews claimed that all of the bugs and performance issues had been addressed, but this is clearly not the case.

Thanks for the years of a good products, now it's time to move on.

2008-05-25, 16:34
What version of Spybot-SD are you using?

*Open Spybot-SD and click on MODE.
-Find ADVANCED MODE and click on it.
-Find the "Info&License.

Spybot-SD version 1.5.1 was the release where there was a "bug". It caused Spybot to take "forever" to load. At first, when I downloaded and installed 1.5.1 I thought it was my computer that had a problem. Found out later that everyone else experienced the same problem.


Do me a favor will you? Uninstall Spybot-SD (the one you have) and install a fresh copy from Spybot's official servers:



2008-05-25, 19:57
Thanks dr,

Per my previous post, this is version 1.5.2 (.20). This was a first-time installation on this workstation (no previous versions) and was downloaded from http://www.spybotupdates.biz/files/spybotsd152.exe .

I'll uninstall, re-download and re-install, will report if there are any improvements.

2008-05-25, 20:54
No change.

2008-05-25, 21:19
Did you try downloading from the link I gave you?

Spybot works fine for me. Is the problem that it takes forever to load? 2GB is more than enough to boot Spybot. Are you running any memory intensive programs at the moment?