View Full Version : Green paths ?????

2008-05-28, 03:03
In the tutorial it says you must check off the items in green manually at first. I have plenty of items in red but have never seen one in green.

2008-05-28, 03:42
Lots of red one? Are they tracking cookies? Cause a lot ain't good news for your PC.

2008-05-28, 06:19
If you aren't seeing green entries,Spybot probably isn't set up to scan for tracks.Those are optional,so you wouldn't have to set up Spybot to scan for tracks,if you'd prefer not to.

If you wanted to scan for tracks,you could open Spybot,click Mode,then select Advanced Mode,saying 'yes' to the prompt,then click Settings,then file sets.Over in the window to the right,you could rightclick,and make a choice from that menu.Selecting 'Select all available checks' would get Spybot to scan for spyware and usage tracks.

(You can return Spybot from Advanced Mode by clicking Mode once again,then selecting Default Mode.)

I saw in another thread you're gearing up to ask for help in malware removal.How is it going so far?