View Full Version : BSOD with Spybot 1.5.2

2008-06-02, 17:53
Hi,yesterday i tried to do an scan of my s.o and when it's come to finish ,i have BSOD and after that i reboot pc and view what's the matter,and says "save dump id 1001 and a lot of 0x0000008E and following numbers"

it's rare since i used more than that time this version and it not crashed like this,but if i can say one clue,i downloaded new detections for all badware and etc,maybe is for this? before that the scan "ended" not detected anything of 140k rules of spyware etc i don't believe is for something crappy
weel i hope that you can help me,sorry for my english i'm from spain :angel:

2008-06-02, 20:23
Hm. What OS (Operating System) are you running? Is it patched and updated? Any anti-virus programs and firewalls?

Have you experienced any malware or virus encounters in the past?

2008-06-02, 21:16
I use WXP and i have clamwin but portable ,no firewalls
no,the pc works fine,the only matter was when i formated the pc i have a lot of BSOD but it was the audio drivers
when i run spybot i was running firefox (and FF2 consumes ram a lot when you stay hours surfing) and nothing more, IE works fine too

2008-06-03, 00:47
Is your OS updated (patched)? It is critical to bring your system up-to-date. ClamAV is an anti-virus if I'm correct. Does it offer real-time protection?

Spybot-SD doesn't conflict with the AV as far as I know.

A Firewall is crucial. It's more like filtering out the "baddies" in letting in the "goodies". By this I do not mean that it will protect against viruses or malware.


I don't believe Firefox will conflict will Spybot.

Question is... does Spybot complete it's scans? Are you running the latest version?

2008-06-03, 01:22
i think that clam is scan only :)
yes it have all updated
this time not ended,but 1 o 2 weeks before the scan i used this and worked,and only have cookies and no more
the last version i think that i have got,i will view the download page
i will try to do another clean scan and i post the results
Thanks :laugh: