View Full Version : spyfalcon and vcodec(ncompat.tlb)

2006-03-09, 22:32
Please anybody help me. i just tried to download vcoded now it has given me the spyware called "spyfalcon". every time i turnon my pc it is installing spyfalcon spyware on my pc and asking me for regestration. every 1 minute i am getting waring that my computer is infected and to remove the viruses regester with spyfalcon. then i found ncompat.tlb file in system32 folder i tried to delete it but it doesnt allow me to do so. i installed spybot in my comupter but it is not able to remove that virus.. so please help me to remove it... as i have very important data on my pc....waiting for reply.:scratch: :scratch: :( :(

2006-03-09, 23:20
Hello. :)

If you are not being helped at another forum, please go here and follow instructions.
Before you post a log, and who will advise you. (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

Start a topic here:
Malware Forum (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22[/url)

Someone will then take a look at the system and advise you as soon as possible.


2006-03-23, 08:59
Why was my previous post deleted ?

Please see:
Before you post a log, and who will advise you. (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

Only authorized helpers may assist in the removal of malware.
Helpers, Warriors, Experts and Team Spybot.

2006-03-23, 16:13
Hello Memory

Your previous post was not deleted, it was removed so the links within it could be reviewed. Sorry for the confusion.

Thank you for your desire to help though. :)

2006-03-23, 22:16
Why was my previous post deleted ?

Please see:
Before you post a log, and who will advise you. (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

Only authorized helpers may assist in the removal of malware.
Helpers, Warriors, Experts and Team Spybot.

I had to use the Majorgeeks resolution a couple of days ago, and I removed the pest in 2 minutes.
The resolution is at majorgeeks, why re-invent the wheel ?
Very, very counter productive.
In fact so much, that I decided to remove Spybot S&D.
I don't now about the other 2 people mentioning this problem, but I don't need days of counter productive "assistence" from your superduper Helpers, Warriors, Experts and Team Spybot.

After their/your review of the links I posted, you'll probably present the resolutions found in there as your own.

If you also edit this post, I'm sure it's just an ego thing and nothing to do with policy.

Oh, and when you decide to edit this post, while you're at it, please also remove my registration.
And don't bother giving an explanation why you had to edit/remove/delete/whatever.
It will probably be more difficult for you to be convincing, than removing SpyFalcon et al.

I thought a forum was meant to build community.
But if only a few have freedom of speech, and with the others only allowed a passive role, or censored participation, you'll soon be listening to yourself.

Oh, and the desire to help is gone.
Why thank someone for his desire to help, when you've just removed/deleted his help ?

S, B, and A.

2006-03-24, 00:30
Have a nice day Memory. :)

2006-03-24, 07:03
verbiage removed

2006-03-24, 08:11
Well done otter357.

Lonny will take a look when he comes on. :)

2006-03-24, 20:19

Your topic has been split off and moved to the Malware removal forum here: