View Full Version : Virtumonde

2008-06-03, 17:00
Hi, im having a problem with spyware or adware, and pop ups etc, and i think its virtumonde, cause i've run spybot s&d loads of times now and it keeps finding virtumonde, but when i try to delete it the programe just freezes. ive tried to run it in safe mode and the same thing happens. ive also tried running ComboFix and going back to restoration points, and tried SUPERantispyware but none of these are doing anything. can anyone please help??

2008-06-03, 17:06

I would suggest to post in the Malware Removal (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22) forum and having someone take a look at your system.

If you decide to have an experienced malware removal specialist assist you, please follow the procedure in this link to run scans and produce a HijackThis log: "BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance) ( http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288).

But first! Read the BEFORE YOU POST PROCEDURE. It should give you a clear idea of the instructions and what you should be doing.

Best regards
Team Spybot