View Full Version : Need information about a Malware infection i have.

2008-06-18, 18:14
Hello everybody! (Sorry in advance for the long post.:sad:)

I have a new question today, At 22:48PM, 22:52PM, 22:55PM, 22:58PM PST
My trend micro antivirus found some infected files that it labeled "PAK_Generic.001" and PAK_Generic.005"(.005 is listed three times)
The actual file names are as follows:

(22:48PM PAK_Generic.0005)

(22:52PM PAK_Generic.001)

(22:55PM PAK_Generic.005)

(22:58PM PAK_Generic.005)

Source type: File

Detected by: File monitor

First action: Quarantined success

Second action: (Blank)

It says it successfully quarantined them and i hit the "Delete" button, Presumably nuking the problem. The problem is this.

1.) when I'm not using the internet i unplug the ethernet chord. (On this occasion it was out for 4 hours before the files were detected)

2.) I was running a webroot spysweeper scan at the time trend micro found the files ( trend micro has no schedueled run times, I run it every three or so days, but it does have it's active protection active.)

3.) Afterwards i kept my computer unplugged and ran a full trend micro scan, SPYBOT scan, full windows defender scan, and another webroot scan which found nothing to be amiss.

So, I guess my question is thus.

How do i find out what it was, or if it left any remnants in my system and if so how do i get rid of them?

Also as a side note: I looked through my computer to see if anything was changed or messed up. So i looked in the properties of almost all of my files when i found something strange. This only appears in pictures.

i have two backround pictures from sites marked as safe from Mcafee siteadvisor and browser defender.

They are the only pictures saved to my computer(I deleted the default ones a long time ago because i didn't like them) when i looked in properties -> security tab. I see this:

Account Unknown(S-1-5-21-2675523129-3664480364-4030225571-1001)
Account Unknown(S-1-5-21-2675523129-3664480364-4030225571-1002)

This only shows up for those two pictures and they have full access, However i have never looked in properties before so i don't know if it's new or not.

Also under the scan tab (Only shows up if you have trend micro i think)
it says it's never found a problem with them.

So what does this all mean?:sad: (I'm on Vista if that helps)

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read/answer my question!:santa:

2008-06-18, 20:05
Trend Micro description for PAK_Generic.001:


These were found in your temp files,so the path is not the same.But,schdwash.exe seems to be related to Window Washer:

Unknown Account:
I found this,if it helps:

2008-06-18, 21:08
wow, this helps a lot! I did have window washer on my computer at one time but the trial expired so i never bothered removing it. Trend micro took that fire and quarantined it and i clicked "Delete" however the application was still there.

I uninstalled it (I forgot it was even there) as for the unknown accounts i had geek squad mess with my computer once when i bought it so that makes sense.

the 005 files are still a mystery to me although i downloaded a windows update for " Update for Windows vista - english" so that could be it i suppose. :lip:

Anyways, Thanks a lot! I appreciate it. :D:

2008-06-18, 21:45
You're welcome. :)

The PAK_Generic detections are just for suspicious files,i.e. executable files that are compressed using Win32 compression tools.So when Trend Micro detects PAK_Generic,the files might be malicious,but not necessarily so.

schdwash.exe may have just been a leftover file from Window Washer in your temp folder.(Do not worry,Webroot's window washer is not known to be malicious.)

2008-06-18, 23:04
Alright! I'll keep that in mind! Thanks! :D: