View Full Version : Please Help!! - wextract_cleanup0??

2008-06-20, 02:59
Hi, I'm new here and I need some help. I've been having some trouble with my computer in terms of knowing what registry changes to accept or deny. In addition my computer hasn't been shutting down at times and I've had to do it manually AND my Windows Updates have been screwy :( I thought I had managed to fix my Windows Updates and my Computer seemed fine. But yesterday it wouldn't shut down and I had to do it manually. Then when I started it up today I got this registry change update from SpyBot:

6/19/2008 8:26:06 PM Denied (based on user decision) value "wextract_cleanup0" (new data: "") deleted in System Startup global entry!

I denied it because I wasn't sure what it was for. Any help on any of this??

2008-06-20, 03:22
Hi Anup, a little search helps:
If you look in the recent threads here, there's at least one other thread asking for help regarding allow/deny changes :) - Chris

2008-06-20, 03:24
Anup, have you chosen to "Remember my Decision" on the TeaTimer prompt?


This link gives bits of info about the functions of TeaTimer in other members own words.

"wextract_cleanup0" is a cleanup tool that is included with many programs to clear the files they have used for temporary installation purposes.

After it runs it should not be trying to start upon reboot.