View Full Version : Unsupported outdated version: New Defs and Old version cases logon issue

2008-06-27, 16:17
The new definition files released the 25th in combination with v1.3 (I know not supported) detects the valid value of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\Userinit as "HellzLittleSpy" and deletes the value leaving it blank.

This causes a logging on user to be immediately logged off until the value is properly restored to c:\windows\system32\userinit.exe,

Problem only seems to occur in v1.3/

2008-06-27, 17:35
Good call on it being 1.3 that causes it. I've seen it randomly and wasn't sure why or how, but every one that I've had to correct this on has 1.3 installed. I'm guessing autoupdate doesn't update the program version but only the definitions. Any chance of that happening?


2008-06-27, 21:18

Any chance of that happening?

Spybot-S&D v1.3 is very old, any reason you have not upgraded to v1.5?

Version 1.6 is due shortly.

Regards. :)

2008-06-28, 10:59
When I run with the 25 June 2008 Updates, it only searches for 169160 items. When I run 1.3, it searches for 169175 items and it finds HellzLittleSpy which 1.5 does not find.

Why upgrade to 1.5 when it does not seem to be as good as 1.3?

2008-06-28, 16:54

When I run with the 25 June 2008 Updates, it only searches for 169160 items. When I run 1.3, it searches for 169175 items and it finds HellzLittleSpy which 1.5 does not find.

Why upgrade to 1.5 when it does not seem to be as good as 1.3?

1.3 may have given a false positive on HellzLittleSpy. 1.5 has more effective detections and new functions.What is your operating system?

Total: 663265 fingerprints in 171141 rules for 4049 products.http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=30020


2008-06-28, 19:38
Greetings, I am having this very issue and do not know how to correct it. I've tried safe mode and everything my limited knowledge know to do. What are my options, if any? Thanks.

The new definition files released the 25th in combination with v1.3 (I know not supported) detects the valid value of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\Userinit as "HellzLittleSpy" and deletes the value leaving it blank.

This causes a logging on user to be immediately logged off [/B]until the value is properly restored to c:\windows\system32\userinit.exe,

Problem only seems to occur in v1.3/

2008-06-28, 22:08
I contacted Dell support and their solution was to do a system restore that will delete all my data. Are there any other solutions for replacing this file? Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks, Bruce

Greetings, I am having this very issue and do not know how to correct it. I've tried safe mode and everything my limited knowledge know to do. What are my options, if any? Thanks.

The new definition files released the 25th in combination with v1.3 (I know not supported) detects the valid value of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\Userinit as "HellzLittleSpy" and deletes the value leaving it blank.

This causes a logging on user to be immediately logged off [/B]until the value is properly restored to c:\windows\system32\userinit.exe,

Problem only seems to occur in v1.3/

md usa spybot fan
2008-06-28, 22:17

There are other options in the thread referenced by Malloc (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=43240) in post #2 (http://forums.spybot.info/showpost.php?p=206860&postcount=2) above:


For example:

I've had this happen on 6 computers so far, but I have them on the network so I can remove registry edit though them.

Here are some other tools that have offline registry edits:


2008-07-01, 16:58
I contacted Dell support and their solution was to do a system restore that will delete all my data. Are there any other solutions for replacing this file? Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks, Bruce
I had the exact same problem this week. Very frustrating. I tried three different utility programs that I could boot from the CD drive. Norton System Works, System Mechanic, and Fix It Utilities 8. Fix It Utilities 8 was the only one that solved the problem. Use it to boot from the CD. Run the "Recovery Commander" then restore a "system restore checkpoint"
Everything is fine now. Works good.

2008-07-02, 04:56
For those who are still fixing this problem I created a BartPE plugin to fix it.

No additional files are needed everything is included already in the PE Build or is in the plugin.

To launch select Programs -> Repair Userinit -> Repair User init

for those who would like to do it on their own

@echo off
if exist c:\windows\system32\config\software (
reg load HKLM\JUNK c:\windows\system32\config\software
set UserInitPath="C:\windows\system32\userinit.exe,"
) ELSE if exist c:\winnt\system32\config\software (
reg load HKLM\JUNK c:\winnt\system32\config\software
set UserInitPath="C:\winnt\system32\userinit.exe,"
) else goto END
for /f "skip=4 delims=" %%i in ('reg query "HKLM\JUNK\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\Winlogon" /v userinit') do (
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3" %%j in ('%%i') do (
if "%%l"=="" (
reg add "HKLM\JUNK\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\Winlogon" /v userinit /t REG_SZ /d %UserInitPath% /f


2008-07-02, 15:17
For those who are still fixing this problem I created a BartPE plugin to fix it.

No additional files are needed everything is included already in the PE Build or is in the plugin.

To launch select Programs -> Repair Userinit -> Repair User init

for those who would like to do it on their own

@echo off
if exist c:\windows\system32\config\software (
reg load HKLM\JUNK c:\windows\system32\config\software
set UserInitPath="C:\windows\system32\userinit.exe,"
) ELSE if exist c:\winnt\system32\config\software (
reg load HKLM\JUNK c:\winnt\system32\config\software
set UserInitPath="C:\winnt\system32\userinit.exe,"
) else goto END
for /f "skip=4 delims=" %%i in ('reg query "HKLM\JUNK\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\Winlogon" /v userinit') do (
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3" %%j in ('%%i') do (
if "%%l"=="" (
reg add "HKLM\JUNK\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\Winlogon" /v userinit /t REG_SZ /d %UserInitPath% /f


this doesn't work for me it saying the file is in use, i have also tried safe mode, same thing there aswell.

this has been around for a little while now surely there is a way to remove it??

when spybot v1.4 is installed it doesn't even show up...hmmm ? i thought it would have come up at least then allow you to remove it without causing the log off issue?

can anyone offer some real answers here please :D

2008-07-02, 15:36
if you can boot into safe mode you don't have the problem described here. The problem described here will not let you remain logged on in safe mode or normal mode. And the plugin and script I posted are both for use from a PE environment.

2008-07-02, 15:36

due to requests for advice on this issue I entered descriptions for some methods to restore login. I hope this is of some help.
Click me. (http://forums.spybot.info/blog.php?b=14)

2008-07-02, 21:37
Another false positive…?

Recent posts have indicated that the 06/25/08 update with SpyBot V1.3 seems to indicate CoolWWWSearch.hjg and HellzLittleSpy as false positives.

After going through the absolute “nightmare” of restoring my home network after letting SpyBot remove the “Userinit” value from the registry, I am wondering, with the new 07/01 and 07/02/08 updates is Win32.Agent.pz likewise a false positive? I am still using v 1.3

No other Spyware/Antivirus program seems to pick it up. I am really not looking forward to doing further restores!

By the way, if anyone is wondering how I managed to get my 3 home network PC set up back when the Userinit reg setting gets wiped out and you can’t even boot into SafeMode, can’t even run a DOS prompt to run any batch program to re-write the registry, etc., etc., well don’t run to reformat!

Go to the big audio/video chain stores and get a product called “Fix It Utilities Professional version 8. It is made by Avanquest, it sells for about $40, and it’s a 3 user license. Pop the cd into your drive, change any bios/boot up settings to allow the pc to boot from the CD rather than the hard drive and let the CD boot. Once it boots, and the interface comes up, run the program called Recovery Commander. Choose the option to restore from a System Restore Checkpoint. Let it run and assuming you do have a series of system checkpoints to choose from, you should be OK, once you reboot. This is a lifesaver! By the way, I do not work for this company, I am not trying to submit an ad, I use this for other stuff, I repeat it is a Lifesaver!

Anyway, back to the original point of the post, more false positives?

Thanks in advance!

2008-07-02, 23:16
Any reason why you have not upgraded to v. yet? This problem seems to be that there is an incompatibility issue with newer updates intended for 1.5.2 on Spybot-SD 1.3.

Up till now, my feelings were .. if it ain't broke don't fix it!, as well as KISS, keep it Super Simple...

Additionally, as Yodama has requested in the post regarding "How to report a false positive", here goes...

Operating System - Windows XP Home Edition ,SP2
HP pavililion a767c
Pentium 4 (540 processor) – 3.2 GHz 1mb L2 cache, 800mhz Front Side Bus
3.0 GB DDR SDRam
Browser and Version - Internet Explorer 6
Version of Spybot S&D and Date of the latest update – 1.3 Updates 7/1/08 & 7/2/08

Where did the false positive occur
Scan result

Log Follows

CooIWWWSearch.hjg: User settings (Registry change, nothing done)
HKEY _ USERS\S-1-5-21-3572884163-1 035437201-1615707650-1 006\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\lntemet Settings\PrivDiscUiShownl=W=O

CooIWWWSearch.hjg: Settings (Registry change, nothing done)
HKEY _ USERS\S-1-5-21-3572884163-1 035437201-1615707650-

HelIzLittleSpy: Settings (Registry change, nothing done)
HKEY _LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NTICurrentVersion\Winlogon\Userinitl=<$SYSDIR>\userinit.exe,

Win32.Agent.pz: Settings (Registry change, nothing done)
HKEY _LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControISet002\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewaIIPolicy\StandardProfile\EnableFirewalll=W=1
Win32.Agent.pz: Settings (Registry change, nothing done)
HKEY _LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControISetOO1 \Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewaIiPolicy\StandardProfile\EnableFirewalll=W=1

Win32.Agent.pz: Settings (Registry change, nothing done)
HKEY _CURRENT _ CONFIG\Software\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\lnternet Settings\ProxyEnablel=W=1

- Spybot - Search && Destroy version: 1.3
- 2008-06-17 Includes\Adware.sbi
- 2008-06-18 Includes\AdwareC.sbi
- 2008-06-03 Includes\Cookies.sbi
- 2008-06-03 Includes\Dialer.sbi
- 2008-06-24 Includes\DialerC.sbi
- 2008-06-03 Includes\HeavyDuty.sbi
- 2008-06-16 Includes\Hijackers.sbi
- 2008-06-17 Includes\HijackersC.sbi
- 2008-06-25 Includes\Keyloggers.sbi
- 2008-07-02 Includes\KeyloggersC.sbi
- 2004-11-29 Includes\LSP.sbi
- 2008-07-02 Includes\Malware.sbi
- 2008-07-01 Includes\MalwareC.sbi
- 2008-06-17 Includes\PUPS.sbi
- 2008-07-01 Inc1udes\PUPSC.sbi
- 2007-11-07 Includes\Revision.sbi
- 2008-06-10 Includes\Security.sbi
- 2008-07-01 Includes\SecurityC.sbi
- 2008-06-03 Includes\Spybots.sbi
- 2008-06-03 Includes\SpybotsC.sbi
- 2008-06-17Includes\Spyware.sbi
- 2008-06-17 Includes\SpywareC.sbi
- 2008-06-03 lnc1udes\Tracks.uti
- 2008-06-24 Includes\Trojans.sbi
- 2008-07-01 Includes\TrojansC.sbi
- 2007-06-06 Plugins\TCPIPAddress.dll

Once again, hope this helps, thanks in advance

2008-07-03, 06:17

due to requests for advice on this issue I entered descriptions for some methods to restore login. I hope this is of some help.
Click me. (http://forums.spybot.info/blog.php?b=14)

You are either very evil or very stupid, or possibly both.

Firstly, this early version of the software is constantly given the opportunity to download the latest from your server....therefore, who would think that it was necessary to remove the early version and download the latest....for something this horrible not to happen?

Next, you have singlehandedly created the worst "virus" situation I have ever encountered.....that being not able to access the desktop at all. No virus in a 34 year history of using computers has ever caused this much trouble. I guess if you are a 16 year old retard, you are to be commended. No Trojan has ever been able to accomplish what you have.

As to your Norwegian fix number 2.....the link to download that particular boot cd doesn't work. Excellent.

You have created a nightmare for people who who used your quirky software. Unfortunately, I trusted that hellzlittlespy was malware and removed it. You should not be in this business if you don't know what you are doing. Maybe selling ice cream would be a better profession for you, as this cannot be your real day job....!!:euro:

2008-07-03, 06:41
Mod, thanks for removing my "foul language" from the post below. Now why not figure out how to download the file necessary to complete option #2 of the brilliant fix? It seems that your server is not working (or maybe something else?). Is it still cold in Norway?....maybe an electrical connection is frozen......well you just froze my computer...so why not!!

You are either very evil or very stupid, or possibly both.

Firstly, this early version of the software is constantly given the opportunity to download the latest from your server....therefore, who would think that it was necessary to remove the early version and download the latest....for something this horrible not to happen?

Next, you have singlehandedly created the worst "virus" situation I have ever encountered.....that being not able to access the desktop at all. No virus in a 34 year history of using computers has ever caused this much trouble. I guess if you are a 16 year old retard, you are to be commended. No Trojan has ever been able to accomplish what you have.

As to your Norwegian fix number 2.....the link to download that particular boot cd doesn't work. Excellent.

You have created a nightmare for people who who used your quirky software. Unfortunately, I trusted that hellzlittlespy was malware and removed it. You should not be in this business if you don't know what you are doing. Maybe selling ice cream would be a better profession for you, as this cannot be your real day job....!!:euro:

2008-07-03, 06:45
This answer is a classic. Why would I upgrade to the current version when no mention of it occurs??...and the software continually accesses the current available downloads.


Spybot-S&D v1.3 is very old, any reason you have not upgraded to v1.5?

Version 1.6 is due shortly.

Regards. :)

2008-07-03, 07:00
Reference AIK...it's supposed to be for the below....but option #3 in your fix doesn't say this. Is AIK plus your other 2 downloads good for Win. 2000 Pro?

System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2008; Windows Vista

Windows Vista

Windows Vista Service Pack 1

Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 with KB926044

Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2

Windows XP Service Pack 2 with KB926044

2008-07-03, 07:35
What do you mean no mention of the new version?
What do you think main update means?
It gets shown in every update.

It seems to have been an error to not force new versions like other software do.

If you want help, we are willing to help but if you just want to let off steam you are at the wrong place.

As to your Norwegian fix number 2.....the link to download that particular boot cd doesn't work. Excellent.
I do not see the link not working, it worked yesterday and it works now, approx 50 min. after your post. Of course there can never be a guarantee that links always work. As of now netcraft does not show any downtime on that server.

2008-07-03, 15:07
HellzLittleSpy Fix that really, really does work…..

Numerous, recent posts have indicated that the 06/25/08 update with SpyBot V1.3 seems to indicate CoolWWWSearch.hjg and HellzLittleSpy as false positives.

After going through the absolute “nightmare” of restoring my home network after letting SpyBot remove the “Userinit” value from the registry, here is how I managed to get my 3 home network PC set up back when the Userinit reg setting gets wiped out from the reg value settings,

As you know you can’t even really effectively boot into SafeMode, so you can’t even run a DOS prompt to run any batch program to re-write the registry, you get into that endless logon – logoff loop, etc., etc.,


Go to the big audio/video chain stores and get a product called “Fix It Utilities Professional version 8. It is made by Avanquest, it sells for about $40, and it’s a 3 user license. Pop the CD into your drive, change any bios/boot up settings to allow the PC to boot from the CD rather than the hard drive and let the CD boot. Once it boots, and the interface comes up, run the program called Recovery Commander. Choose the option to restore from a System Restore Checkpoint. Let it run and assuming you do have a series of system checkpoints to choose from, you should be OK, once you reboot. This is a lifesaver!

By the way, I do not work for this company, I am not trying to submit an ad, I don’t get any kickbacks, I too was beyond enraged after letting Spybot screw my PC. Then I remembered that I had this software. I use this for other stuff, this utility is loaded with other things that you will want to use, I repeat it is a Lifesaver and perhaps the best $40 you will ever spend, since without that reg value your PC is nothing more than a very large and heavy paperweight!!!!!

By the way see my previous post about yet another false positive!

Hope this helps the countless users that seem to be hit by this “false positive”


2008-07-03, 15:14
HellzLittleSpy Fix that really, really does work…..

Numerous, recent posts have indicated that the 06/25/08 update with SpyBot V1.3 seems to indicate CoolWWWSearch.hjg and HellzLittleSpy as false positives.

After going through the absolute “nightmare” of restoring my home network after letting SpyBot remove the “Userinit” value from the registry, here is how I managed to get my 3 home network PC set up back when the Userinit reg setting gets wiped out from the reg value settings,

As you know you can’t even really effectively boot into SafeMode, so you can’t even run a DOS prompt to run any batch program to re-write the registry, you get into that endless logon – logoff loop, etc., etc.,


Go to the big audio/video chain stores and get a product called “Fix It Utilities Professional version 8. It is made by Avanquest, it sells for about $40, and it’s a 3 user license. Pop the CD into your drive, change any bios/boot up settings to allow the PC to boot from the CD rather than the hard drive and let the CD boot. Once it boots, and the interface comes up, run the program called Recovery Commander. Choose the option to restore from a System Restore Checkpoint. Let it run and assuming you do have a series of system checkpoints to choose from, you should be OK, once you reboot. This is a lifesaver!

By the way, I do not work for this company, I am not trying to submit an ad, I don’t get any kickbacks, I too was beyond enraged after letting Spybot screw my PC. Then I remembered that I had this software. I use this for other stuff, this utility is loaded with other things that you will want to use, I repeat it is a Lifesaver and perhaps the best $40 you will ever spend, since without that reg value your PC is nothing more than a very large and heavy paperweight!!!!!

By the way see my previous post about yet another false positive!

Hope this helps the countless users that seem to be hit by this “false positive”


2008-07-03, 16:25
HellzLittleSpy Fix that really, really does work…..

Numerous, recent posts have indicated that the 06/25/08 update with SpyBot V1.3 seems to indicate CoolWWWSearch.hjg and HellzLittleSpy as false positives.

After going through the absolute “nightmare” of restoring my home network after letting SpyBot remove the “Userinit” value from the registry, here is how I managed to get my 3 home network PC set up back when the Userinit reg setting gets wiped out from the reg value settings,

As you know you can’t even really effectively boot into SafeMode, so you can’t even run a DOS prompt to run any batch program to re-write the registry, you get into that endless logon – logoff loop, etc., etc.,


Go to the big audio/video chain stores and get a product called “Fix It Utilities Professional version 8. It is made by Avanquest, it sells for about $40, and it’s a 3 user license. Pop the CD into your drive, change any bios/boot up settings to allow the PC to boot from the CD rather than the hard drive and let the CD boot. Once it boots, and the interface comes up, run the program called Recovery Commander. Choose the option to restore from a System Restore Checkpoint. Let it run and assuming you do have a series of system checkpoints to choose from, you should be OK, once you reboot. This is a lifesaver!

By the way, I do not work for this company, I am not trying to submit an ad, I don’t get any kickbacks, I too was beyond enraged after letting Spybot screw my PC. Then I remembered that I had this software. I use this for other stuff, this utility is loaded with other things that you will want to use, I repeat it is a Lifesaver and perhaps the best $40 you will ever spend, since without that reg value your PC is nothing more than a very large and heavy paperweight!!!!!

By the way see my previous post about yet another false positive!

Hope this helps the countless users that seem to be hit by this “false positive”


2008-07-03, 16:34
HellzLittleSpy Fix that really, really does work…..

Numerous, recent posts have indicated that the 06/25/08 update with SpyBot V1.3 seems to indicate CoolWWWSearch.hjg and HellzLittleSpy as false positives.

After going through the absolute “nightmare” of restoring my home network after letting SpyBot remove the “Userinit” value from the registry, here is how I managed to get my 3 home network PC set up back when the Userinit reg setting gets wiped out from the reg value settings,

As you know you can’t even really effectively boot into SafeMode, so you can’t even run a DOS prompt to run any batch program to re-write the registry, you get into that endless logon – logoff loop, etc., etc.,


Go to the big audio/video chain stores and get a product called “Fix It Utilities Professional version 8. It is made by Avanquest, it sells for about $40, and it’s a 3 user license. Pop the CD into your drive, change any bios/boot up settings to allow the PC to boot from the CD rather than the hard drive and let the CD boot. Once it boots, and the interface comes up, run the program called Recovery Commander. Choose the option to restore from a System Restore Checkpoint. Let it run and assuming you do have a series of system checkpoints to choose from, you should be OK, once you reboot. This is a lifesaver!

By the way, I do not work for this company, I am not trying to submit an ad, I don’t get any kickbacks, I too was beyond enraged after letting Spybot screw my PC. Then I remembered that I had this software. I use this for other stuff, this utility is loaded with other things that you will want to use, I repeat it is a Lifesaver and perhaps the best $40 you will ever spend, since without that reg value your PC is nothing more than a very large and heavy paperweight!!!!!

By the way see my previous post about yet another false positive!

Hope this helps the countless users that seem to be hit by this “false positive”


2008-07-03, 17:15
HellzLittleSpy Fix that really, really does work…..

This is perhaps the 4th time I posted this on this forum, I will continue to post this until the "Spybot Team" gets their act together, and comes up with a "free fix" since what, perhaps the entire computer community is plaqued with this!

Numerous, recent posts have indicated that the 06/25/08 update with SpyBot V1.3 seems to indicate CoolWWWSearch.hjg and HellzLittleSpy as false positives.

After going through the absolute “nightmare” of restoring my home network after letting SpyBot remove the “Userinit” value from the registry, here is how I managed to get my 3 home network PC set up back when the Userinit reg setting gets wiped out from the reg value settings,

As you know you can’t even really effectively boot into SafeMode, so you can’t even run a DOS prompt to run any batch program to re-write the registry, you get into that endless logon – logoff loop, etc., etc.,


Go to the big audio/video chain stores and get a product called “Fix It Utilities Professional version 8. It is made by Avanquest, it sells for about $40, and it’s a 3 user license. Pop the CD into your drive, change any bios/boot up settings to allow the PC to boot from the CD rather than the hard drive and let the CD boot. Once it boots, and the interface comes up, run the program called Recovery Commander. Choose the option to restore from a System Restore Checkpoint. Let it run and assuming you do have a series of system checkpoints to choose from, you should be OK, once you reboot. This is a lifesaver!

By the way, I do not work for this company, I am not trying to submit an ad, I don’t get any kickbacks, I too was beyond enraged after letting Spybot screw my PC. Then I remembered that I had this software. I use this for other stuff, this utility is loaded with other things that you will want to use, I repeat it is a Lifesaver and perhaps the best $40 you will ever spend, since without that reg value your PC is nothing more than a very large and heavy paperweight!!!!!

By the way see my previous post about guess what, yet another false positive!

Hope this helps the countless, and I now see truly countless users that seem to be hit by this “false positive”


2008-07-03, 17:44
HellzLittleSpy Fix that really, really does work…..

This is perhaps now the 5th time I posted this on this forum, I will continue to post this until the "Spybot Team" gets their act together, and comes up with a "free fix" since what, perhaps the entire computer community is plaqued with this! And when I say a free fix, I mean a fix that does not require you to jump through hoops to accomplish, not everyone is computer savvy or even has the time to tweak the registry, or download yet more garbage !!!

Numerous, recent posts have indicated that the 06/25/08 update with SpyBot V1.3 seems to indicate CoolWWWSearch.hjg and HellzLittleSpy as false positives.

After going through the absolute “nightmare” of restoring my home network after letting SpyBot remove the “Userinit” value from the registry, here is how I managed to get my 3 home network PC set up back when the Userinit reg setting gets wiped out from the reg value settings,

As you know you can’t even really effectively boot into SafeMode, so you can’t even run a DOS prompt to run any batch program to re-write the registry, you get into that endless logon – logoff loop, etc., etc.,

Go to the big audio/video chain stores and get a product called “Fix It Utilities Professional version 8. It is made by Avanquest, it sells for about $40, and it’s a 3 user license. Pop the CD into your drive, change any bios/boot up settings to allow the PC to boot from the CD rather than the hard drive and let the CD boot. Once it boots, and the interface comes up, run the program called Recovery Commander. Choose the option to restore from a System Restore Checkpoint. Let it run and assuming you do have a series of system checkpoints to choose from, you should be OK, once you reboot. This is a lifesaver!

By the way, I do not work for this company, I am not trying to submit an ad, I don’t get any kickbacks, I too was beyond enraged after letting Spybot screw my PC. Then I remembered that I had this software. I use this for other stuff, this utility is loaded with other things that you will want to use, I repeat it is a Lifesaver and perhaps the best $40 you will ever spend, since without that reg value your PC is nothing more than a very large and heavy paperweight!!!!!

By the way see my previous post about guess what, yet another false positive!

Hope this helps the countless, and I now see truly countless users that seem to be hit by this “false positive”


2008-07-03, 18:11
Please see my post here (http://forums.spybot.info/showpost.php?p=208980&postcount=5). I kind of doubt that "countless" users do have the habit of ignoring error messages and updates both.

I can understand that users like you are frustrated, but I personally would be more frustrated with myself that in the first place that I demanded updates to at least run in parts on 1.3 because I did not want to update, then ignore the warnings, then to complain they were not fully compatible. If they were fully compatible, we wouldn't have released three (soon four) versions since then, right?

2008-07-03, 22:17
I can understand that users like you are frustrated, but I personally would be more frustrated with myself that in the first place that I demanded updates to at least run in parts on 1.3 because I did not want to update, then ignore the warnings, then to complain they were not fully compatible. If they were fully compatible, we wouldn't have released three (soon four) versions since then, right?

You say, … “I can understand that users like you are frustrated…” no frustrated is not the word, the word is ENRAGED.
a) Your product screwed many users.

b) Don’t use the “you need to update rationale”. Users who are using v 1.5.2 are still experiencing the same problems

c) Your solutions… your solutions are TECHNO BABBLE to many users. You do realize that there are some users whose computer skills may be limited to turning the PC on, using the mouse and keyboard and that’s it! And you expect them to tweak the registry. ARE YOU KIDDING? I don’t have to tell you (or maybe I do) one mistake, one typo in the registry and the computer could be screwed more than before.
Solutions, no they are not solutions, they are TECHNO BABBLE MUSCLE FLEXING… each one trying to outdo the other and impress the world with how computer savvy they are.

d) You say … “We kept the updates available for 1.3 users simply for those who were forced to keep using it e.g. because they have Windows 95 and not enough RAM for a newer version,” well if the updates were not really fully compatible with the older version then maybe the updates should not have loaded, or a warning screen, text file whatever should have advised that. There are other products out there that does not allow automatically loading the updates with the older version if there are compatibility issues. Not everyone remembers that they checked or unchecked some nebulous check box when they were first setting up and tweaking the install.

Lastly, I have no real intention; desire or the time to really perpetuate this threads any further. I have no intention to upgrade to version 1.5, version 1.6, or even version 1 million and 4 for that matter.

Do you really even bother to look at your board, the number of people hit with this logon-logoff issue is growing. I will say it again use the following item… “Fix It Utilities Professional version 8. It is made by Avanquest, it sells for about $40, and it’s a 3 user license. Pop the CD into your drive, change any bios/boot up settings to allow the PC to boot from the CD rather than the hard drive and let the CD boot. Once it boots, and the interface comes up, run the program called Recovery Commander. Choose the option to restore from a System Restore Checkpoint. Let it run and assuming you do have a series of system checkpoints to choose from, you should be OK, once you reboot. This is a lifesaver!

Now of course, I am sure you will move this post around the forum as you did with my other posts, yeah hide the evidence!

Your product is history, especially after “Hellz Little screw up” and I will advise others to do so likewise…


2008-07-03, 22:28
Yes, I could have said "enraged", I could've also said "crazy", and I could've said "deceptive" seeing you play around with two different identities to heat up the situation instead of solving it. You did exactly what you accused me of - trying to hijack other peoples threats and turning the attention away from their problems to yours. So when I moved your posts, that was to avoid spam.

And as you can read in the other post I linked to, Spybot-S&D does warn the user about incompatible databases designed for newer versions. A forum search shows 66 threads dealing with the question what exactly this error message means.

Sure, there might be other software out there that does not allow loading of updates designed for newer versions. But then, if you were a Windows 95 user not being able to download the newest updates, I'm pretty sure you would be among the first as well to complain that we wouldn't supply you with updates any more just because you didn't like to download the main application updates offered.

And if I would not talk "techno babble" but go on ranting as crazy as you are, you would accuse me of exactly that, so I can't win. But then, I'm probably going to live about a dozen years longer than you because I'm not risking heart attacks on such things (and yes, I've wrecked a lot of own systems while playing around with system internals).

2008-07-03, 22:58
Yes, I could have said "enraged", I could've also said "crazy", and I could've said "deceptive" seeing you play around with two different identities to heat up the situation instead of solving it. You did exactly what you accused me of - trying to hijack other peoples threats and turning the attention away from their problems to yours. So when I moved your posts, that was to avoid spam.

And as you can read in the other post I linked to, Spybot-S&D does warn the user about incompatible databases designed for newer versions. A forum search shows 66 threads dealing with the question what exactly this error message means.

Sure, there might be other software out there that does not allow loading of updates designed for newer versions. But then, if you were a Windows 95 user not being able to download the newest updates, I'm pretty sure you would be among the first as well to complain that we wouldn't supply you with updates any more just because you didn't like to download the main application updates offered.

And if I would not talk "techno babble" but go on ranting as crazy as you are, you would accuse me of exactly that, so I can't win. But then, I'm probably going to live about a dozen years longer than you because I'm not risking heart attacks on such things (and yes, I've wrecked a lot of own systems while playing around with system internals).

Wrong… one identity, one user name… and no not spam, just facts! Look at the board and the messages.Your product screwed many users. And I did solve it, I offered a real easy no brainer solution that works!

Only if you actually remembered checking or unchecking some checkbox when you did the initial install and tweak. Some people have a life and don’t remember such trivia.

Crazy no, dual identity no, schizophrenic no, just plain angry, and enraged there is a real distinction. Some people actually use the computer for a livelihood and when it goes down, they can’t work.

Positively, I have no real intention; desire or the time to really perpetuate this threads any further.


2008-07-03, 23:21
Posting something half a dozen times in half a dozen places is regarded as spam (not facts) in almost every Internet forum I know. Same goes for letters or phone calls in real live. People who argument with facts usually have enough self-confidence to not have to use repetition as an "argument" ;)

Regular netiquette also says that using upper caps or bold letters is regarded as shouting. That might have to do with your posts not being well accepted. And if you go shout at someone in real live, you don't expect something that leads to a good solution either, or do you?

As for remembering "such trivia", the settings page is available in Advanced Mode only, and if you switch to Advanced Mode, there's a warning shown. Why do you think that is shown?

2008-07-04, 05:26
I recently had the same experiences with Hellz Little Spy. However, I was lucky enough to find the following site: http://www.icompute.info/System_restore_from_xp_cd.htm and it gave directions for doing a system restore from Recovery. I have Windows XP and this site worked well for me. Good Luck!
However, I still can't get Spybot to stop telling me I have Hellz Little Spy and Cool Search.

2008-07-04, 07:28
However, I still can't get Spybot to stop telling me I have Hellz Little Spy and Cool Search.
Please upgrade (install the mainupdate) to have Spybot S&D stop finding these items when they are not present.

The Method described in your link is basically the same that is proposed by Microsoft for Windows XP and can be done if a Windows XP disc is present.

2008-07-04, 12:12
I repeat my post I made earlier in another Spybot forum:

Spybot managed to disable two XP computers at us, too.

We fixed them using BartPE. Followed the instructions from here: http://windowsxp.mvps.org/peboot.htm

I think it is ridiculous that this can happen just because a user did not upgrade the software, only the definitions. I don't upgrade a software just because a new version is out. The definition ugrade process should sense the version of the software and download relevant definitions only.

The makers of Spybot should be very ashamed now.

2008-07-05, 23:33
Rename HP_XP to HP_UX and go buy an Apple
Using any Anti virus or Anti spyware be it A-Squared, Spybot, ad-aware or ones known for using false positives to encourage purchases and not googling any hits and/ or posting to this forum before deleting is a VERY bad practice.
Browsing the AVG and AVAST forums today finds many reports of false positives or mis identified hits.
With Spybot it is easy to ignore hits while you check them out.
With the bad habit of FIXing unverified hits users are set up to have MAJOR problems with ANY software sooner rather than later.
Welcome to the real world
now fix your mistakes
and get over it
p.s. start clicking allow for plugins required


2008-07-08, 07:10
Rename HP_XP to HP_UX and go buy an Apple
Using any Anti virus or Anti spyware be it A-Squared, Spybot, ad-aware or ones known for using false positives to encourage purchases and not googling any hits and/ or posting to this forum before deleting is a VERY bad practice.

This is very true.....a lot of problems are caused by all of this software that has you deleting files......when you run a search and it comes up with 26 different files marked for deletion...some adware, some spyware, some malware, some virus....just go to Google and spend 10 hours every day looking up every item noted for deletion...search the company forum for that software, then go to another few sites noted in Yahoo, Google, Altavista and Microsoft Search....then read every post about each possible deletion....then make a decision whether to turn your computer off or not. Great idea!!:laugh:

2008-07-08, 07:21
Some more software thoughts;

lesson learned......don't delete any files picked up by any software as they might have important registry code in them and might in fact be false positives for a virus, even though the virus is not there. Or, spend 10 hours a day on search engines trying to determine if others got hurt before you and posted to some forum or other web page describing what happened, so you can not do what they did when they deleted their registry or some other disaster occurred. Or maybe it is best if we all called each other after files are marked for deletion....then discussed the virtues of the deletions over some tea and apfelstrudel. After we arrive at a decision, then it would be up to each individual if he/she would like to make the deletion and hopefully a re-boot at some future date might be possible (or not!!).

(by the way...I just finished rebuilding a new hard drive and incorporating my saved files from the "injured by hellzlittlespy" toasted os drive)....all is well and I am ready to use Google to see what the next disaster will be.

I will soon be coming out with a new piece of software...it is called "Delete or Not" v 1.7. This software will automatically ring up 25 of the most knowledgeable people from 10 different internet forums and ask if they have any comments after your software picks up items for deletion. After review by these experts you can then rest assured of what you are about to do. Be very careful using this software as I am planning a V 1.8 very soon....at that point, I will have updates for v 1.7 (automatically updated) that will actually dial the late Bozo......and ask if you should hit the enter key....whatever happens at that point is a complete mystery. Probably better that you watch each day for the upgrade and not use the updates....as the Bozo dialer will be included in the updates...but not the upgrade (maybe!!). SpyBot...are you listening boy???????????

2008-07-08, 08:31
i was deleting everything glaryutilities found some time ago, and a program on my computer tried to reinstall itself everytime i opened up ie7. i was forced to format the computer. i will just stay away from such software that tries to tune up the computer, unexpected things can happen, and ccleaner deleted the settings i set in the flash controlpanel. in the controlpanel, there you can set how often you want Flash Player to check for updates, and other privacy and security options. the flash controlpanel is here: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager.html

its just a warning not to delete everything different programs find. but who can you trust if you cant trust security programs. false positives must be expected, but software developers must take some critics and be responsible for their actions if they damage the computers that people have with their buggy software. even if it was tuneuputilities or norton.