View Full Version : Request for Drive Selection Option

2008-07-01, 04:41
I'd REALLY like to see a drive selection option. Generally when I come across a badly infected PC, I pull the HD and connect it to a known clean box to do antivirus and spyware scanning. I can't use spybot on that drive, I have to fall back to Adaware (bleh) or something else. I know it's asking for a lot but non-boot drive registry scanning would be awesome too, or even remote registry scanning(joy).
Just removing the bad progs from the non boot drive, usually gets it to a point where I can put it back in the original machine and start scanning again.

I've seen malware deploying active countermeasures, disabling task manager, safemode etc. and it will just get worse. Pulling the drive and scanning it may soon be the only option for some things.....
For $15 bucks you can get a USB adapter that let you plug Pata, Sata, 2.5, and 3.5 drives to USB 2.0. Perfect for out of box scanning.
Thanks for the hard work!

2008-07-01, 13:37
It's all in there already :)

See documentation of /allhives (http://wiki.spybot.info/index.php//allhives) for example. Or the Bootable CD thing.