View Full Version : Hellzlittlespy and Spybot v 1.3 ADIOS

2008-07-06, 00:39
Goodbye to the children at Spybot...my farewell;

To Chi-Va
....it figures....don't take this the wrong way...I appreciate all you have tried to do and the time spent......the NTFS disk is also a quirky piece of shit. If you download the disk from the Avira site and boot to floppy in your Win 2000 machine, you will see what I mean. It does not go directly to the "yes" in reference to using for private use. It has a whole bunch of other stuff going on....prompts written in German......requiring what???...I don't know...it freezes....it asks over 20 bootup questions....all this is not mentioned by anyone...making me believe that no one actually looked at the disk from the download. When you try to change the directory, the original poster had a lot of mistakes in the coding......just the windows/winnt stuff was posted wrong......then we get to the A prompt and the difficulty in changing the directory in the first place. So, I probably did do something wrong........the original instructions posted were horrible...it implied that the user knows how to use dos commands....and again, the software is all f'ed up.

So, it figures that in the back-up folder of spybot nothing exists. I did get to the last folder by unchecking the boxes to see the hidden folders...nothing there.

We are both spending too much time on this......thank you for all you tried to do.

My feeling about Spybot have not changed.....nice hobbyist software for computer geeks who are into the computer as a hobby and as an educational "experience". I never should have used the software in the first place......freeware is not supported usually....it's a kid somewhere who writes some code and gets it onto the net. Spybot is a bit different because of their commercial enterprise, but the forum is not watched properly and the software is buggy to say the least.

This entire go around about going with a newer version is silly, stupid and childish. If I have working software that is continually updated...with no mention of upgrades in pop ups....why would i go out and try to get a newer version...which usually has a ton of bugs and problems and forums and questions and disasters?....I stay with what works.....v. 1.3 worked up until the update containing the malicious code......and it was malicious code, no matter what Pepi and the crew want to go with. For an update to toast a registry by removing a line that gets you into windows....that is malicious.

I am done....I will take my lumps and move on. The drive will be wiped clean and i will spend the hours necessary to get this going. No files are lost as I have access to the drive.....but Spybot you certainly Suck the big bannana!!

Chi-va...thanks for everything.....I really mean it.