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View Full Version : trash google use this

2008-07-08, 11:10
It may seem as if Google has always been there, but it's not how it is. Before Google we had search engines like www.hotbot.com , www.altavista.com and, of course, enough www.yahoo.com

The reason for Google to beat them was that the search engine simply was better. The success has broken Google. You can try a search for hotels (with the correct name to and including), rental cars, or anything that deals with travel, mobile, car etc (all that you can make money on actually) then you can see it yourself quickly.

Below, I therefore looked at some of the different competitors that have emerged recently, many with fancy new interface and more - which works and some that does not work.

search for facts:
Yes, Wikipedia is used by many, but it's still far too many who use Google as the engine to find the facts. It can be compared a little to shout out the window to get answers to anything. Another good search engine to get the answer is, the well-named, www.answers.com - and have good and long-term answers to the great number of topics.

Looking for people, especially internationally www.spock.com is a page you want to test. it searches in Myspace, Facebook, Windows Live (messenger), Wikipedia and more. Is also very fast.

What are the people actually talking about? Has anyone found the cheatcode you're looking for? What's hot? www.twing.com search the forum, and only that.

Music search:
No, this is not search of illegal files. This is the search for legal clips, reviews, and much more. For those who are interested in music www.seeqpod.com is a must.

It is no secret that Google stores all of your searches, but www.ixquick.com does not do that. where you can search online, in international telephone, video and photos. what it really does is to search in any other search engines so that you do not have to search them for yourself. works as spanking.

There is a alot of blogs out there, and much is written every day - this page provides an overview of what people write about, and also provides a search of what they have written. www.icerocket.com is the name. You can also test www.twingly.com

Health search:
Looking for information on diseases and health (in English), this is the search engine for you: organizedwisdom.com/Home

Search is for many a browserwindow where you type in what you are looking for, and then a robot looking forward what it thinks you want. Well, some are a little different. We have some examples here:

www.mahalo.com - this search engine is based on pages created by the users, a kind of mix of Google and Wikipedia. It works well on some queries, and worse in others. Is currently in beta.

www.omgili.com - a search for those who are looking for opinions, feelings and what people say. It is here that you are looking for if someone is thinking and feeling the some of the same that you does.

Images of Google's good, fast and beautiful - but www.piclens.com is something completely different. it is an good experience it is. You must be sure to download and install a program, but we say only: Do it!

www.exalead.com/search try to be a Google-killer by giving you thumbnails (small pictures) of the pages you've searched for. Good and fast, and easy to make the search more specific.

www.iseek.com is a search engine for those who want to investigate anything in particular. Here you can make your search more and more spesifiquaited, quite so simple.

www.famhoo.com - Google can find the most on the Internet, including the ones you do not want your children to see. Famhoo finds familyfriendly web pages….

Our favorite:
Google gives you a great overwiew of what you are looking for. www.searchme.com will show you the web pages and allows you to browse in them. It's actually a little difficult to explain, but after you've tried this search engine and you'll hardly use someone else for a while…. As you type it proposes, for example, that you can make your search more specific. Let's say that you write Alicante, it will then propose the weather, restaurants, housing, hotels or soccer - or you can search in all. Once you've searched in all, you can browse all the results visually. Brilliant. You can also save your favorite search so that you can find them again. Search the video and photos they have also.

the Google killer:
There is a search engine that is about to beat out Google on several web pages, especially pages with a lot of content that wants its own search. It displays search results on the Google way, but also with a tagcloud. The only problem is perhaps the name - www.quintura.com

This search engine: www.taggalaxy.de must be tested. Sure it seeks only in the tags on flickr, but try it so you understand why we say that you have to do it. Quite fun and different.

this is translated from Norwegian by google, and some words is translated by me. so it may be errors. i have not tried all of the sites myself. i used some time on it, so i hope someone likes it:)

2008-07-08, 21:45
Looks alright. I thought you actually wrote it yourself. :laugh:.

2008-07-08, 22:01
Our favorite (that was written in the thread) i wonder who else that should be other than me, OUR. i dont work in a company or have a website, and no one else was here that know anything about searchengines:)

i suck in english.

2008-07-08, 22:07
...than me, OUR.

blues, can you explain that part? I'm not exactly following.

You're English is alright : )

2008-07-08, 22:16
if i have wrote it myself, i wouldnt have wrote OUR FAVOURITE. i dont have a split personality, or maybe i have. it feels like that sometimes:)

2008-07-09, 00:48
There was no "favourite" in your Post #3.

2008-07-09, 15:00
it doesnt matter, this thread is just information about searchengines and nothing else. i actually use google myself, so its nothing wrong with google if you ask me.

2008-07-09, 23:16
How does it not matter when you just said "OUR"?

I'm asking how there is there a "favourite" in your posts. Doesn't look like it. :P

2008-07-09, 23:17
this is nothing to discuss.

2008-07-09, 23:30
Discuss Search Engines perhaps? Although I dislike the Ask search engine because it's too aggressive in the searches. You search 'car'. and it comes up with 7 different sponsored ads and links for so-called 'cars'.