View Full Version : Hellz Virus

2008-07-11, 04:53
I restored my computer back to June 20th to get past the log on log off problem. My question is, do I know upgrade again sypbot and spyware blaster? If I do, will I get this problem all over again? I'm not sure what to do and if this is where I post a question at. Thank you to anyone that can help me.

I want to thank HP_XP_User for the suggestion on how to get past this problem. I used it and it worked. I do not know anything about the, as I call it, "guts" of a computer, I get on run programs, get on internet and back off. So I was afraid to get into the workings of the computer to try this, but am so thankful I got it to work.

2008-07-11, 04:58
hellzlittlespy is not a virus. Spybot does not detect viruses.

The false positive was a thing of the past. Many users ended with the loop logon because the false positive deleted some crucial in the Windows Login.

I can assure you that Spybot-SD and SpywareBlaster can co-exist. There won't be any more 'hellzlittlespy' problem.

2008-07-11, 05:44
Thank you, I am not that up to speed with the correct words to use, so I thought it was a virus and again I am unsure on how to do things. I restored my system back to June 20th, do I need to upgrade both Spybot and spyware again and my understanding from your last response is, there won't be this problem again, correct? Thank you for your patience with me, very unsure what I am doing!

2008-07-11, 06:52
spybot 1.6 was released after June 20 so yes
turn of t timer and sd helper
un immunize
remove spybot 1.5 or whatever, if more than one version in add/ remove remove all
install 1.6

you can run spyblaster updater anytime- no need to remove

2008-07-11, 12:37
I updated both Spybot and Spyware Blaster and the HellzLittleSpy and Coolwww.Search.hjg is back, same as before all this started.

What do I do know?

When I "fix selected problem" it is still going to mess up my computer whenever I go to restart it isn't it? Do I do a restore again back to June 20? But it seems like when I update again, it is going to do the same thing?

Again, what I am supposed to do?

2008-07-11, 12:40
spybot 1.6 was released after June 20 so yes
turn of t timer and sd helper
un immunize
remove spybot 1.5 or whatever, if more than one version in add/ remove remove all
install 1.6

you can run spyblaster updater anytime- no need to remove

I updated everything before getting this response. I'm not sure what you mean by (turn of t timer and sd helper un immunize)

Thank you

2008-07-11, 21:06
did you just overwrite your previous version or uninstall>reboot reinstall>reboot?
what was your previous version
did you and do you only show one Spybot in add remove programs
take a peek- if you show two post back

many have successfully overwritten 1.5 with 1.6

the people who had a problem with Hellz were running 1.3
I would definitely not remove/delete but quarantine or just not fix till you hear back from an expert

what does help>about show as your current version number?
as mentioned by drragoesta Hellz is not a virus but was a False Positive for version 1.3
we still need to deal with
HellzLittleSpy and Coolwww.Search.hjg
if you are finding these with 1.5 or 1.6

while waiting I'd submit the two files to Virus Total

2008-07-11, 21:26
Thank you, wyrmrider, I have hopefully succeeded in removing everything. Like I said before, I just know how to run different programs, not really into how the computer actually works.
But after reading the previous responses, I have deleted every Spybot and Spyware Blaster off my computer (even though I didn't need to with blaster) and have started and restarted my computer and all is OK there.
Have reinstalled the new spybot & blaster and ran scan for them. Found a couple other things. Took care of them, then restarted in Safe Mode and ran scan again, and nothing was found. Everything seems to be working at this time.
I just want Thank You everyone again for all their help. I truly needed it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

2008-07-12, 02:43
Wyrmrider, thanks for resolving it. Looks like you got there before me.

@clerk, now to add some finishing touches to this thread...

-Like I said 'hellzlittlespy' is not a virus. Spybot does not detect viruses.
It detects: malware, spyware, trojans, bots/spybots, worms, and some rootkits.

Keep up to date!
-SpywareBlaster: 4.1
Although, the problem could be resolved without the removal of SpywareBlaster, uninstallation was unnecessary.

TeaTimer is "protection of overall system settings", which is the prompt which asks for a Allow or Deny.

SDHelper is a BHO which blocks "malicious" websites in IE.

2008-07-12, 02:54

let's talk prevention
When you reinstalled Spybot the installer walks you through update and immunize
Spyware Blaster essentially immunizes for Active X baddies and some other things
it is complementary with Spybot and takes no resources once loaded

You do have an up to date AV and firewall (and not the xp firewall) right?
If running IE go to mode>advanced and turn on SD helper and T-Timer
do it anyway as malicious software will load IE for you and then run their nastieness
if you have no risky surfing habits you should be good to go
if you are into p2p, crak, warez porn and love to open unknown e-mail attachments and "install needed Codecs" we need to talk further
But let's start a new thread in the regular forum
Thanks for seeing this through

2008-07-12, 02:57
...if you are into p2p, crak, warez porn and love to open unknown e-mail attachments and "install needed Codecs" we need to talk further...

:laugh: You sound like the FBI. Lols.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ounce of cure".