View Full Version : slow scan & can't "ignore"

2008-07-12, 11:50
Hi All....I have 2 questions/problems with Spybot 1.5.......

1---Scan time has increased dramatically...!!!!!..Version 1.4 (and previous verions that I've had) took avg 25-45 minutes.......Version 1.5 is taking 2 hours plus......Double the time (2 hours plus) because my husband and I each have our own Windows Log-n.....So, that takes it up to 5 hours vs 1 1/2hours total.....

I've read suggestions from other postings and offer---Disk Clean-up; Defrag; D/L Directory; Internet browser caches, History and cookies----All are done routinely etc.....

2---Scan results shows cookies and one Registry change....The cookies I took care of with no problem.......The Registry change I wanted future scans to Ignore.....That's where there's a problem----I'm still getting this same Registry change in the scan results....

Thanks in advance for any suggestions....

2008-07-12, 12:26

1/ Updating to the current release should significantly reduce your scan time, this is one of its big features. Also with Spybot in Advanced mode, either leave the Settings>directories empty, or keep it to a single folder. As everything in this is specifically scanned, it can radically extend the scan time. Its purpose is really to have like a download folder where the items downloaded can be specifically scanned before you transfer them into the main system.

You haven't said what operating system you have, or the CPU type and speed of the computer, and its memory size. These are all factors in how long scans take.

2/ Normally you open up the item (click on the + in front of it), right click on the entry that is now shown and select Exclude this detection from further searches. Perhaps if you can indicate exactly what it is that you want to exclude a better answer might be available.

2008-07-12, 12:54
Hi Greyfox…..Thanks for your reply….

1—-a---I’ll definitely consider upgrade to 1.6 …..
b---In Settings > Directory is empty…..
c---O/S is XP/SP2; CPU = 1.8 GHz; Speed = 1794 MHz; Memory = 256 MB ……..

2------Yes, I left clicked on the item to open it: Then, I right clicked on “Exclude”……The specific item is classified a ‘registry change” for:

Microsoft Windows Security Center AntiVirus Override
HKEY_LOCAL-MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\AntiVirusOverride (is not) dword:0

2008-07-12, 13:27
The specific item is classified a ‘registry change” for:

Microsoft Windows Security Center AntiVirus Override
HKEY_LOCAL-MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\AntiVirusOverride (is not) dword:0


I'm not sure why you would want to negate the security centre's antivirus warnings, however with Spybot in Advanced mode, you could try going to Settings>Ignore products>All Products, then scroll down the list until you find MicrosoftWindowsSecurityCentre.AntivirusOverride and put a tick in the box.

Your PC speed is not super fast, but probably one of the reasons for slow scans is the rather small memory size. I think you would find a considerable improvement if it were increased to 512MB, or better yet 1GB. That said keeping all other running tasks to absolute minimum when you are doing a scan, making sure you have cleaned out caches etc (which you already know about) and possibly defragging the drive every so often would also help (but don't overdo that one). Again though I would recommend trying version 1.6, it may be that it will bring down your scan times to an acceptable level.

Hope that helps

2008-07-12, 22:28
You need more memory, at least 512 for your programs to run smoothly on XP.

2008-07-13, 00:43
you can scan in safe mode and get a speed increase -
also faster after a fresh reboot-- usually
running CCleaner will help if your temp files have really grown
remove ALL instances of earlier Spybot with add remove programs
install 1.6
re immunize
you should see a speed increase

the memory advice is right on
depending on your motherboard- go for it
however if your motherboard requires really expensive memory --
as DDRII is really inexpensive now
save up for a new system
is this a laptop?

2008-07-13, 10:15
Hi Greyfox et al.....

Thank you for your replies.......

I just did upgrade to 1.5 on 6/8/08.....I followed the steps recommended which included using Add/Remove for any/all previous versions before installing 1.5....Don't know how / why I missed info on the 1/6 version....

I do regular "maintenance"---including clearing out temp files; caches; disk clean-up; defrag.....Last done 6/11/08....

Dell Dimension 2300 (see info in my signature) is a desktop (not a laptop).....Have had it since 12/02 with XP factory installed by Dell.....

Compared to many other systems, I guess this one is considered old and out of date....Since I don't think I can convince my husband that we need to invest in a newer one, I guess I'll just have to deal with what we have.....

As I mentioned, using 1.4 version the scan time averaged 25-45 minutes....I would have thought any newer version would be at least as fast if not faster as opposed to slower.....

If I allow Spybot to "fix" the registry change mentioned, wouldn't I be intruding on / reversing something that M/S did on purpose through possibly one of the monthly critical updates .......???......How can I tell.....???

I guess bottom line at this point is for me to upgrade to 1.6 and hope for the best......

Thanks again to all.......

2008-07-13, 11:36
Along with the update to Spybot S&D, the recommendation to increase the memory in your PC makes complete sense, especially if you'll be keeping it for a while longer. Here's a link to the Dell™ Dimension™ 2300 Technical specifications describing the type and size of RAM devices useable in your PC:


Here are Dell supplied options for purchase of this RAM, though it's a bit pricey:

Here's one possible alternative online source for purchase of the RAM. There are many others who are just as reputable, this is just an example:


It's possible that your current RAM is either one 256MB or two 128MB 'sticks', so you might need to remove one 128MB stick to replace it. See this Dell link for help with how to look for the RAM inside the case and replace it:


You can also usually determine exactly what parts are currently installed in your Dell PC by going to the Dell Support Pages and entering your Service Tag number:



2008-07-13, 18:58
great advice bitman
after she gets 1.6 installed she should be good to go even with 256 kb if there are not a lot of garbage running at start up
I already said the additional memory is a good idea
but you may be able to do better with what you have
let us know how it goes
get the rest of your software updated including Windows Updates
and we'll take a look at it
I do recommend a complete uninstall - reinstall since you already have done an overwrite update at least once

2008-07-14, 12:40

I hope you gain some scan speed improvement by updating to version 1.6. As bitman has said, increasing the amount of ram may well be an affordable option that will increase the usefull life of your PC.

There was a recommendation made by wyrmrider to use CCleaner to clean up your temporary files. I'm sorry but I would have to caution anyone not familiar with that type of utility against jumping in and using it. It is a tool, and in the right hands is certainly useful, but it is also capable of causing a whole heap of problems if you don't understand how to use it properly.

See also http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=30038

The other suggestion I have is that where memory is very limited, you consider leaving Teatimer turned off.

Hope this helps

2008-07-14, 13:25
Hi Greyfox et all (again)...

wyrmrider--------My last "upgrade" I did by Uninstalling Spybot 1.4 through Control Panel Add/Remove; then Installing Spybot 1.5....

I don't have Teatimer on.....I had a problem with it when it was first included and I've had it OFF ever since.....

Noone mentioned the Scan Speed in Settings.....It's set to Normal---as recommended.....What about changing it to Faster.....or....Fastest.....?????

Also, in going through various files / folders etc etc....I came across a couple of other questions that I'm going to post seprately so they don't "gum up" the original question in this posting.....They concern---1) Start up items 2) Spybot Registry Inconsistencies.......I'm not sure I'll have time to post them today (probably tomorrow)....

Thanks again for all your continued interest....

md usa spybot fan
2008-07-14, 14:00

I suggest that you try Spybot 1.6 and see if that improves your scan times.

… Noone mentioned the Scan Speed in Settings.....It's set to Normal---as recommended.....What about changing it to Faster.....or....Fastest.....????? …
There is no "Scan Speed in Settings". There is a "Scan priority". That sets the priority that the system assigns to the scan in relationship to other processes in the system. Spybot is quite CPU intensive. If you set the Scan priority higher you may find yourself in a situation where you can not get other things done during a scan.

If you are having difficulty running other things during a scan, you could try to lower the priority at which Spybot scans. If you go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode > Settings > Settings > in the option tree under Main Settings there is a Scan priority section. Choose "lower" or "lowest".

2008-07-14, 15:28
Haven't read anything, but I have a comment about one thing in the initial post:

.Double the time (2 hours plus) because my husband and I each have our own Windows Log-n....That shouldn't be necessary; if one of them has admin privileges, that one would be able to scan nearly everything (except for Internet Explorer history and bookmarks and cookies, which I'ld call neglectable ;) ).

2008-07-15, 10:31
Hi .....PepiMK.........&.....md usa spybot fan...

PepiMK-----Your info is very helpful.....Sounds like that should help reduce the total scan time (total 5 hours to do both).......That would still leave me with a longer scan time on Version 1.5 compared to previous versions---So, I'll consider 1.6---once forum grumbles ease up......

md usa spybot fan----Yes, you're right----I used wrong wording.....It's the "Scan priority" in Settings that I was referring to.....I "assumed" the "Higher" and "Highest" meant just what you said....It's not a matter of being able to get other things done while a scan is in progress; it's a matter of speeding up the scan time---that's why I mentioned 'faster / fastest'.....

Thanks to you both.......

2008-07-16, 07:49

As has unfortunately been the case before, I missed seeing information contained in you signature, namely that you are running AVG version 8.

I can't comment about the recent service upgrade that was issued for AVG 8, but I did experience a very significant slow down in Spybot's scan time when I upgraded from AVG 7.5 to AVG 8. During the Spybot scan, the antivirus is also being called on, and at the time I suspected that the slowdown was as the result of AVG having added some spyware detection into their product and perhaps some duplication of effort.

At the time I was also not happy with other features of AVG8 and because continued support for AVG 7.5 was in doubt I moved to another product (Avast! Free home). Spybot scan time returned to what I considered was normal when I had been using AVG 7.5. The only way for you to guage the effect AVG 8 is having on your scan time is to perhaps do a scan without it, but you need to be off line so that you don't risk infection and ideally after first having done a full virus scan to ensure there are no resident problems.

2008-07-16, 10:23
Hi Greyfox.......Aha---!!!.......I've been considering the very same thing about the interaction of Spybot with AVG 8......

Not only am I experiencing the increased Spybot scan time but it seems everything is going slower----ie---log on; log off; opening programs (WORD / Excel) etc......

I've been seeing increasing numbers of favorable comments about Avast....But since I'm not one to jump on the band wagon, I thought I'd wait to see what the comments are a few months from now.....

In the meantime, your suggestion about closing down AVG while doing a Spybot scan is what I'll do.......(I usually run scans while off line anyway)....

I do have a question about Avast.....How are their auto-updates scheduled...??.......Is it daily....??.....AND..... Is it the same time every day...??......

I ask that because with AVG 8, there are now 2 potential updates every day AND they're no longer at the exact time every day (as the previous versions)......There's now a 2 hour "window" during which the update(s) can come in.....That's causing me problems with other maintenance (ie--running Spybot etc).......Before, I knew that exactly at 7:12am every day I was due for an AVG update so I needed to do whatever other stuff before /after that magic moment.....Now---I'm never sure when the updates are coming etc etc.....

Thanks again.....

2008-07-17, 01:55

With Avast! you have the option of using an automated update, an "ask when update is available", or completely manual. There is also a time setting you can alter (auto update every xxxx minutes). From memory the default setting was 240 minutes (4 hours) but it can be increased to 1440 minutes (24 hours).

I don't let anything update automatically. I prefer to initiate updates myself on a regular basis so if a problem occurs I know what update is likely to have caused it. The recent fiasco with the Microsoft update that behaved very badly with Zone Alarm reinforced my faith in this choice.

If you do decide to try Avast, please note that you must make sure AVG has been completely removed. I have been running Avast! Free Home edition for about 6 months now and it does what I want quite nicely.

2008-07-17, 02:09
Same as Greyfox Codysmom
AVG to Avast
(and if you ever had anything else like pre-installed suite or AV or other previous AV lest us know before you try and change) AVG has a FAQ about removal- so if you ever do decide to change do what the FAQ says or Avast (or any other AV) will not play nice.

Spybot basically updates once a week
Was Fridays
now Wednesdays just do it manually once a week- re-immunize

Incidentally spywareblaster had a update yesterday- highly recommended for addition of ActivX blockers and some restricted site- and it does not bother anything else

I've found that scans are faster after a fresh boot or safe mode as nothing else is in the way
off line sounds good- let us know if AVG off makes a difference