View Full Version : Popups after registering with LinkedIn?

2008-07-12, 16:25
I'm a newb so excuse me if I blunder my way through this forum. I thought I'd share my experience with you. Don't know what to think of it, actually. Okay, so what happened?

I have xpsp2 on a laptop. I don't run any virusscanner, no firewall. I regularly use ccleaner, spybot, jkdefrag, etc . Haven't fencountered any problems until recently. I found xobni, an add-on to outlook which has really cool features for contact management. As a fervent user of Thunderbird this has always been my big issue. In Tbird contact management simply sucks. Okay, so xobni was so cool that I started using Outlook as a mail client again. That was 2 weeks ago. Still no problems until yesterday when I registered with LinkedIn because xobni features an integration with LinkedIn. Really cool.

But then I started getting popups. Out of the blue. Every hour or so. I ran Spybot (1.40) which got stuck at 80%. I dl-ed the latest version and did another run immediately after a reboot. Now the scan was completed and some stuff was removed. Unfortunately this did not help. After a reboot, popups reoccurred.

What I discovered was that xobni starts xobniservice.exe by itself during the boot process. This cannot be controlled with msconfig. There was also another file running, after I started firefox (3), called 2x070682.exe. I cannot find any info about this exe on the Net. I removed it by hand and now things are okay.

Does anyone have any similar problems, related with LinkedIn and/or xobni?

2008-07-12, 17:28
This is a continuation of the previous message.
I opened Outlook and let it rest for half an hour. Now there is aan exe called 7FjG185E.exe active. A search finds this exe in the prefetch and the system32 directories.