View Full Version : Checking for updated includes at program start?

2008-07-13, 15:16
Have you incorporated the updating of include files at program start into "Search the web for new versions at each program start."?

I've just updated to v1.6 and noticed the "Download updated include files if available online" option has gone missing from the Web Update section in Settings. I choose to have Spybot check for not only updated versions at program start, but also updated includes (in addition to immunizing each program start).

I hope you haven't removed that option entirely, but merely incorporated it into "Search the web for new versions at each program start." It would be most unfortunate for us who used that function if you have removed it. -kd5-

2008-07-13, 21:45
It's not unfortunate, it's just that you didn't look.

Have you taken a look in the 'Settings' tab in ADVANCED MODE?

Good luck.

md usa spybot fan
2008-07-13, 23:26

In spite of drragostea (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=34880)'s comment:

It's not unfortunate, it's just that you didn't look. ...
It does appear that there was a change somewhere in the "Web update" options. Unfortunately I'm just not sure exactly (pin down) when the change occurred (I've tested many releases including beta versions).

An older version (not exactly sure when) appears to have had these options:

Web update
├─ □ Search the web for new versions at each program start.
├─ □ Download updated include files if available online.
├─ □ Remind me to look for updates at program start.
├─ □ Display available beta versions.
├─ □ Display updates for other languages.
├─ □ Display new and updated skins.
├─ □ Display PGP signature updates.
└─ □ Use proxy to connect to update server.
Spybot 1.6 (Spybot - Search & Destroy has these options:

Web update
├─ □ Search the web for new versions at each program start.
├─ □ Remind me to look for updates at program start.
├─ □ Display available beta versions.
├─ □ Display updates for other languages.
├─ □ Display new and updated skins.
├─ □ Display PGP signature updates.
└─ □ Use proxy to connect to update server.
As you indicated, the following option does appear to be missing from Spybot 1.6:

Web update
├─ □ ....
├─ □ Download updated include files if available online.
├─ □ ...
└─ □ ...
I am sorry that I am unable to personally provide an explanation or a rational as to why that option no longer seems to be available in Spybot 1.6.

2008-07-13, 23:54
It's not unfortunate, it's just that you didn't look.

Have you taken a look in the 'Settings' tab in ADVANCED MODE?A totally inaccurate and uncalled for response. The "Download updated include files if available online" option has indeed gone missing from the Web Update section in Settings, just as kduncan5 (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=6316) stated.

I am running in Advanced mode with version It's not there. Please post a screenshot to help those of us who "didn't look".

2008-07-14, 01:15
...has indeed gone missing from the Web Update section in Settings, just as kduncan5 (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=6316) stated.

Problem is you who did not mention this earlier.

If you have a better (maybe a little more accurate) solution, you should have posted one.

Don't be pushing the blame on me. Please post a screenshot to help those of us who "did look".

2008-07-14, 01:33
Lets start focusing on helping the person with the problem.

Now like spybot fan said, there is a definite change with the way it was handled before with updates options. Lets focus on the user of the thread, not whether or not someone got info wrong. Thanks. :)

2008-07-14, 01:36
Problem is you who did not mention this earlier.

If you have a better (maybe a little more accurate) solution, you should have posted one.

Don't be pushing the blame on me. Please post a screenshot to help those of us who "did look".Who better to blame for your post than you? It's all there in black and white.

kduncan5 said that
the "Download updated include files if available online" option has gone missing from the Web Update section in Settings.

kduncan5 went on to comment,
I hope you haven't removed that option entirely, but merely incorporated it into "Search the web for new versions at each program start." It would be most unfortunate for us who used that function if you have removed it.

At which time you said,
It's not unfortunate, it's just that you didn't look.

Have you taken a look in the 'Settings' tab in ADVANCED MODE? and you proceeded to post a screen shot that confirmed what kduncan5 said.

So kduncan5 had indeed looked, and your screenshot confirmed it.

Maybe you need some time away from the forums. Take a breather. Rethink your role here. After seeing you reprimand a poster from Norway yesterday about his grammar (in which you ironically misspelled the word grammar), I'd say you are not as focused on helping people as one might hope.

2008-07-14, 01:39
Just drop it you 2. Focus on the person asking for help, not your differences.

2008-07-14, 15:05
It's not unfortunate, it's just that you didn't look.

Have you taken a look in the 'Settings' tab in ADVANCED MODE?If I had looked and found what I was looking for, I would not have posted this thread here.

Please post a screenshot to help those of us who "did look".I'm not going to uninstall v1.6 and reinstall v1.5.2 just to post a screenshot for your edification. The option I spoke of in my first post is GONE in v1.6.

Thanks to everyone who actually tried to help. And to the makers of Spybot: I'd appreciate having that option back...:sad:

Thanks again, -kd5-

2008-07-14, 15:22
The option didn't do anything in 1.5.2 either; it was a left-over from the integrated updating only (and we thought we should remove it to avoid confusion, not to create more of it, sorry ;) ). It now should be part of the "Search..." option, which passes /search /autoupdate to SDUpdate.exe (along with /autoclose and/or /taskbarhide if they're passed to SpybotSD.exe in the first place).


/search is more or less was "Search the web for updates" was previously, and is always passed to the updater when run (through /autoupdate, the setting, or a button).

/autoupdate is what the "Download" previously was and is now toggled through the "Search"...

So in the end, they are kind of combined now.

(the change is extremly hidden documented here (http://wiki.spybot.info/index.php/Configuration.ini#AutoDownload) ;) We really need to spend more time filling the wiki with information :) ).

The Scheduler page also offers to schedule updates now if you want it completely automatic.

2008-07-14, 16:11
Sorry, but I don't understand the /command line switches here and at the link that was provided... :red: ...but...

I really don't want to "schedule" an auto update, I don't particularly like updaters or "run in the background" stuff running on my computer (I even manually update my antivirus, although I autoupdate the AV on customer's computers).

The fewer things that run in the background on a computer, the better the computer will run, at least that's my philosophy.

I liked that Spybot would check for updated includes and immunize each time the application was brought up, I hope that if the updating of include files hasn't been incorporated into the option to search for new versions at each program start, that it can be returned to Spybot soon.

Thanks, -kd5-

2008-07-14, 18:55
you want to save cycles
Spybot usually updates the same day every week
just check once a week on Wednesdays- manually :)

2008-07-15, 23:46
The option didn't do anything in 1.5.2 either; it was a left-over from the integrated updating only (and we thought we should remove it to avoid confusion, not to create more of it, sorry ;) ). It now should be part of the "Search..." option,

So in the end, they are kind of combined now.

Those two sentences seem to suggest the option to check for and download updated includes has been incorporated into the search for new versions option. If it has, that's great! Can you confirm?

BTW, if that option did not work in 1.5.2, had it already been incorporated into the search for new versions at program start? I ask this because I had been enabling both options in 1.5.2 (to search for new versions and to check for & download updated includes) and Spybot most definitely checked for and downloaded updated includes (if there were any) each time I brought Spybot up.

Thanks again, -kd5-